Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ExceptionListener Interface

Chapter 12 - Exception Callback

Java Thread Programming

size=1>  size=2>Copyright � 1999 Sams

size=4>ExceptionListener Interface

size=2>Classes that want to be notified when an exception occurs in
an active class can implement the
face="Courier New" size=2>ExceptionListener color=#010100 face=Arial size=2> interface shown in Listing

size=2>Listing 12.1—The Interface to
Be Implemented for Exception Callback

face="Courier New" size=2>1: public interface ExceptionListener

face="Courier New" size=2>2:     public void
exceptionOccurred(Exception x, Object source);

face="Courier New" size=2>3: }

size=2>This interface declares that classes of the type color=#010100 face="Courier New"
size=2> must implement an face="Courier New" size=2>exceptionOccurred() color=#010100 face=Arial size=2> method. An active class will invoke
this method on the listener whenever a notable exception should be
relayed. The first parameter,
face="Courier New" size=2>x size=2>, is a reference to the actual exception. The second
size=2>source, is a
reference to the active class that caught the exception. Having a
reference to the
size=2>source object
allows one
size=2>ExceptionListener size=2> to monitor more than one active object and take a different
course of action for each object monitored. If this is not
necessary, the
size=2>source parameter
can simply be ignored.

valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">


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