Wednesday, October 28, 2009


 < Day Day Up > 



The class TestCase (see Figure C-18) represents a test object. Its purpose is to

run test methods and thereby produce test results.

TestCase may be used in a number of ways. The

simplest way to write a test object is to create a subclass of

TestCase that overrides runTest() with a custom test method. To run the test object, call

the run( ) method, which returns a


More commonly, a subclass of TestFixture is

created with multiple test methods. TestRunner

then uses TestCaller to run the test methods,

creating a new instance of TestCase for each one.

TestCase belongs to the namespace

CppUnit. It is declared in

TestCase.h and implemented in


Figure C-18. The class TestCase, base class for all test objects


class TestCase : public Test, public TestFixture


TestCase(string name)

Constructs a TestCase with the given name.

TestCase( )

The default constructor used by TestCaller to

create a temporary TestCase. Should not be used

directly, since it creates a TestCase with no


~TestCase( )

A destructor.

Public Methods

virtual int countTestCases( ) const

Returns 1, the number of test cases contained in a base

TestCase. Descendants of

TestCase may contain multiple test cases.

string getName( ) const

Returns the TestCase name.

virtual TestResult *run( )

A convenience method that runs this TestCase and

returns a new TestResult containing the results.

virtual void run(TestResult *result)

A method that runs the test, catches any failures or errors, and

collects the results in result. The sequence of

calls is: setUp( ), runTest( ),

tearDown( ). This method is the interface that the

framework normally uses to run tests.

string toString( ) const

Returns a string representation of this TestCase,

including the class name and TestCase name.

Protected/Private Methods

TestResult *defaultResult( )

A Protected method that returns a default empty

TestResult. Used by run( ).

virtual void runTest( )

A Protected method representing the actual test

method. The default version does nothing. May be overridden by

descendants of TestCase to implement actual tests.

The overridden runTest( ) method contains the test

assertions that result in success or failure of the unit test.

TestCase(const TestCase &other)

A copy constructor declared private to prevent its


TestCase& operator=(const TestCase &other)

A copy operator declared private to prevent its



const string m_name

The TestCase name (private).

     < Day Day Up > 

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