Monday, November 2, 2009

Chapter 7 Error Handling and Built-In Exceptions

[ Team LiB ]

Chapter 7 Error Handling and Built-In Exceptions


Create the following script:
Check to see whether there is a record in the STUDENT table for a given student ID. If there is no record for the given student ID, insert a record into the STUDENT table for the given student ID.


Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:

v_student_id NUMBER := &sv_student_id;
v_first_name VARCHAR2(30) := '&sv_first_name';
v_last_name VARCHAR2(30) := '&sv_last_name';
v_zip CHAR(5) := '&sv_zip';
v_name VARCHAR2(50);
SELECT first_name||' '||last_name
INTO v_name
FROM student
WHERE student_id = v_student_id;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Student '||v_name||
' is a valid student');
('This student does not exist, and will be '||
'added to the STUDENT table');

(student_id, first_name, last_name, zip,
registration_date, created_by, created_date,
modified_by, modified_date)
(v_student_id, v_first_name, v_last_name, v_zip, SYSDATE, USER, SYSDATE, USER, SYSDATE);

This script accepts a value for student's ID from a user. For a given student ID, it determines the student's name via the SELECT INTO statement and displays it on the screen. If the value provided by the user is not a valid student ID, the control of execution is passed to the exception-handling section of the block, where the NO_DATA_FOUND exception is raised. As a result, the message 'This student does not exist…' is displayed on the screen, and a new record is inserted in the STUDENT table.

To test this script fully, consider running it for two values of student ID. Only one value should correspond to an existing student ID. It is important to note that a valid zipcode should be provided for both runs. Why do you think this is necessary?

When 319 is provided for the student ID (it is a valid student ID), this exercise produces the following output:

Enter value for sv_student_id: 319
old 2: v_student_id NUMBER := &sv_student_id;
new 2: v_student_id NUMBER := 319;
Enter value for sv_first_name: John
old 3: v_first_name VARCHAR2(30) := '&sv_first_name';
new 3: v_first_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'John';
Enter value for sv_last_name: Smith
old 4: v_last_name VARCHAR2(30) := '&sv_last_name';
new 4: v_last_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'Smith';
Enter value for sv_zip: 07421
old 5: v_zip CHAR(5) := '&sv_zip';
new 5: v_zip CHAR(5) := '07421';
Student George Eakheit is a valid student

PLSQL procedure successfully completed.

Notice that the name displayed by the script does not correspond to the name entered at runtime. Why do you think this occurs?

When 555 is provided for the student ID (it is not a valid student ID), this exercise produces the following output:

Enter value for sv_student_id: 555
old 2: v_student_id NUMBER := &sv_student_id;
new 2: v_student_id NUMBER := 555;
Enter value for sv_first_name: John
old 3: v_first_name VARCHAR2(30) := '&sv_first_name';
new 3: v_first_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'John';
Enter value for sv_last_name: Smith
old 4: v_last_name VARCHAR2(30) := '&sv_last_name';
new 4: v_last_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'Smith';
Enter value for sv_zip: 07421
old 5: v_zip CHAR(5) := '&sv_zip';
new 5: v_zip CHAR(5) := '07421';
This student does not exist, and will be added to the STUDENT table

PLSQL procedure successfully completed.

Next, you can select this new record from the STUDENT table as follows:

SELECT student_id, first_name, last_name
FROM student
WHERE student_id = 555;

---------- ------------------------- ----------------
555 John Smith


Create the following script:
For a given instructor ID, check to see whether it is assigned to a valid instructor. Then check the number of sections that are taught by this instructor and display this information on the screen.


Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:

v_instructor_id NUMBER := &sv_instructor_id;
v_name VARCHAR2(50);
v_total NUMBER;
SELECT first_name||' '||last_name
INTO v_name
FROM instructor
WHERE instructor_id = v_instructor_id;

-- check how many sections are taught by this instructor
INTO v_total
FROM section
WHERE instructor_id = v_instructor_id;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Instructor, '||v_name||
', teaches '||v_total||' section(s)');
('This is not a valid instructor');

This script accepts a value for instructor's ID from a user. For a given instructor ID, it determines the instructor's name via the SELECT INTO statement. This SELECT INTO statement checks if the ID provided by the user is a valid instructor ID. If this value is not valid, the control of the execution is passed to the exception-handling section of the block, where the NO_DATA_FOUND exception is raised. As a result, the message 'This is not a valid instructor' is displayed on the screen. On the other hand, if the value provided by the user is a valid instructor ID, the second SELECT INTO statement calculates how many sections are taught by this instructor.

To test this script fully, consider running it for two values of instructor ID. When 105 is provided for the instructor ID (it is a valid instructor ID), this exercise produces the following output:

Enter value for sv_instructor_id: 105
old 2: v_instructor_id NUMBER := &sv_instructor_id;
new 2: v_instructor_id NUMBER := 105;
Instructor, Anita Morris, teaches 10 section(s)

PLSQL procedure successfully completed.

When 123 is provided for the instructor ID (it is not a valid student ID), this exercise produces the following output:

Enter value for sv_instructor_id: 123
old 2: v_instructor_id NUMBER := &sv_instructor_id;
new 2: v_instructor_id NUMBER := 123;
This is not a valid instructor

PLSQL procedure successfully completed.

    [ Team LiB ]

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