Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Summary of Part I

Summary of Part I

We've covered a lot of material so far! The following "concurrency cheat sheet" summarizes the main concepts and rules presented in Part I.

  • It's the mutable state, stupid. [1]

    All concurrency issues boil down to coordinating access to mutable state. The less mutable state, the easier it is to ensure thread safety.

  • Make fields final unless they need to be mutable.

  • Immutable objects are automatically thread-safe.

    Immutable objects simplify concurrent programming tremendously. They are simpler and safer, and can be shared freely without locking or defensive copying.

  • Encapsulation makes it practical to manage the complexity.

    You could write a thread-safe program with all data stored in global variables, but why would you want to? Encapsulating data within objects makes it easier to preserve their invariants; encapsulating synchronization within objects makes it easier to comply with their synchronization policy.

  • Guard each mutable variable with a lock.

  • Guard all variables in an invariant with the same lock.

  • Hold locks for the duration of compound actions.

  • A program that accesses a mutable variable from multiple threads without synchronization is a broken program.

  • Don't rely on clever reasoning about why you don't need to synchronize.

  • Include thread safety in the design processor explicitly document that your class is not thread-safe.

  • Document your synchronization policy.

[1] During the 1992 U.S. presidential election, electoral strategist James Carville hung a sign in Bill Clinton's campaign headquarters reading "The economy, stupid", to keep the campaign on message.

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