Friday, December 25, 2009

Praise for Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML

Praise for Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML

"Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML is a thoroughly modern introduction to forward-looking practices in Web page markup and presentation. It correctly anticipates readers' puzzlements and handles them just in time. The highly graphic and incremental approach precisely mimics the best way to learn this stuff: make a small change and see it in the browser to understand what each new item means."

Danny Goodman

"Eric and Elisabeth Freeman clearly know their stuff. As the Internet becomes more complex, inspired construction of web pages becomes increasingly critical. Elegant design is at the core of every chapter here, each concept conveyed with equal doses of pragmatism and wit."

Ken Goldstein, Executive Vice President & Managing Director, Disney Online

"The Web would be a much better place if every HTML author started off by reading this book."

L. David Baron, Technical Lead, Layout & CSS, Mozilla Corporation

"I've been writing HTML and CSS for ten years now, and what used to be a long trial and error learning process has now been reduced neatly into an engaging paperback. HTML used to be something you could just hack away at until things looked okay on screen, but with the advent of web standards and the movement towards accessibility, sloppy coding practice is not acceptable anymore... from a business standpoint or a social responsibility standpoint. Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML teaches you how to do things right from the beginning without making the whole process seem overwhelming. HTML, when properly explained, is no more complicated than plain English, and the Freemans do an excellent job of keeping every concept at eye-level."

Mike Davidson, President & CEO, Newsvine, Inc.

"The information covered in this book is the same material the pros know, but taught in an educational and humorous manner that doesn't ever make you think the material is impossible to learn or you are out of your element."

Christopher Schmitt, Author of The CSS Cookbook and Professional CSS,

Oh, great. You made an XHTML book simple enough a CEO can understand it. What will you do next? Accounting simple enough my developer can understand it? Next thing you know we'll be collaborating as a team or something.

Janice Fraser, CEO, Adaptive Path

More Praise for Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML

"I *heart* Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML it teaches you everything you need to learn in a 'fun coated' format!"

Sally Applin, UI Designer and Fine Artist,

"This book has humor, and charm, but most importantly, it has heart. I know that sounds ridiculous to say about a technical book, but I really sense that at its core, this book (or at least its authors) really care that the reader learn the material. This comes across in the style, the language, and the techniques. Learning real understanding and comprehension on the part of the reader is clearly top most in the minds of the Freemans. And thank you, thank you, thank you, for the book's strong, and sensible advocacy of standards compliance. It's great to see an entry level book, that I think will be widely read and studied, campaign so eloquently and persuasively on behalf of the value of standards compliance in web page code. I even found in here a few great arguments I had not thought of ones I can remember and use when I am asked as I still am 'what's the deal with compliance and why should we care?' I'll have more ammo now! I also liked that the book sprinkles in some basics about the mechanics of actually getting a web page live FTP, web server basics, file structures, etc."

Robert Neer, Director of Product Development,

"Freeman's Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML is a most entertaining book for learning how to build a great web page. It not only covers everything you need to know about HTML, CSS, and XHTML, it also excels in explaining everything in layman's terms with a lot of great examples. I found the book truly enjoyable to read, and I learned something new!"

Newton Lee, Editor-in-Chief, ACM Computers in Entertainment

"My wife stole the book. She's never done any web design, so she needed a book like Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML to take her from beginning to end. She now has a list of web sites she wants to build for our son's class, our family, ... If I'm lucky, I'll get the book back when she's done."

David Kaminsky, Master Inventor, IBM

"Beware. If you're someone who reads at night before falling asleep, you'll have to restrict Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML to daytime reading. This book wakes up your brain."

Pauline McNamara, Center for New Technologies and Education, Fribourg University, Switzerland

Previous Praise for books by the authors

From the awesome Head First Java folks, this book uses every conceivable trick to help you understand and remember. Not just loads of pictures: pictures of humans, which tend to interest other humans. Surprises everywhere. Stories, because humans love narrative. (Stories about things like pizza and chocolate. Need we say more?) Plus, it's darned funny.

Bill Camarda, READ ONLY

"This book's admirable clarity, humor and substantial doses of clever make it the sort of book that helps even non-programmers think well about problem-solving."

Cory Doctorow, co-editor of Boing Boing
and author of "Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom"
and "Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town"

"I feel like a thousand pounds of books have just been lifted off of my head."

Ward Cunningham, inventor of the Wiki
and founder of the Hillside Group

"This book is close to perfect, because of the way it combines expertise and readability. It speaks with authority and it reads beautifully. It's one of the very few software books I've ever read that strikes me as indispensable. (I'd put maybe 10 books in this category, at the outside.)"

David Gelernter, Professor of Computer Science,
Yale University and author of "Mirror Worlds" and "Machine Beauty"

"A Nose Dive into the realm of patterns, a land where complex things become simple, but where simple things can also become complex. I can think of no better tour guides than the Freemans."

Miko Matsumura, Industry Analyst, The Middleware Company
Former Chief Java Evangelist, Sun Microsystems

"I laughed, I cried, it moved me."

Daniel Steinberg, Editor-in-Chief,

"Just the right tone for the geeked-out, casual-cool guru coder in all of us. The right reference for practical development strategiesgets my brain going without having to slog through a bunch of tired, stale professor-speak."

Travis Kalanick, Founder of Scour and Red Swoosh
Member of the MIT TR100

"I literally love this book. In fact, I kissed this book in front of my wife."

Satish Kumar

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