Tuesday, October 27, 2009



If no test scores exist, the average for a Performance should be zero. You haven't yet written a test for this scenario. Add the following brief test to PerformanceTest.

public void testAverageForNoScores() {
Performance performance = new Performance();
assertEquals(0.0, performance.average());

If you run this, oops! You get a NullPointerException. That can be solved by initializing the integer array of tests defined in Performance to an empty array:

private int[] tests = {};

When rerunning the tests, you get a different exception:

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<0.0> but was:<NaN>

NaN is a constant defined on both the java.lang.Float and java.lang.Double classes that means "Not a Number."

If there are no scores, tests.length() returns 0, meaning you are dividing by zero in this line of code:

return total / tests.length;

When it works with integers, Java throws an ArithmeticException to indicate that you are dividing by zero. With floating-point numbers, you get NaN, which is a legitimate floating-point number.

Fix the problem by checking the number of test scores as the very first thing in average.

public double average() {
if (tests.length == 0)
return 0.0;
int total = 0;
for (int score: tests)
total += score;
return (double)total / tests.length;

NaN has some interesting characteristics. Any boolean comparisons against NaN always result in false, as these language tests demonstrate:

assertFalse(Double.NaN > 0.0);
assertFalse(Double.NaN < 1.0);
assertFalse(Double.NaN == 1.0);

You might want the average method to return NaN. But how would you write the test, since you cannot compare NaN to any other floating-point number? Java supplies the isNaN static method, defined on both Float and Double, for this purpose:

public void testAverageForNoScores() {
Performance performance = new Performance();

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