Wednesday, November 11, 2009

5.2. Hire for the Long Term

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5.2. Hire for the Long Term

If you're managing

programmers on an open source project, keep them there long enough

that they acquire both technical and political expertise�a

couple of years, at a minimum. Of course, no project, whether open or

closed-source, benefits from swapping programmers in and out too

often. The need for a newcomer to learn the ropes each time would be

a deterrent in any environment. But the penalty is even stronger in

open source projects, because outgoing developers take with them not

only their knowledge of the code, but also their status in the

community and the human relationships they have made there.

The credibility a developer has accumulated cannot be transferred. To

pick the most obvious example, an incoming developer

can't inherit commit access from an outgoing one

(see Section 5.5 later in this

chapter), so if the new developer doesn't already

have commit access, he will have to submit patches until he does. But

commit access is only the most measurable manifestation of lost

influence. A long-time developer also knows all the old arguments

that have been hashed and rehashed on the discussion lists. A new

developer, having no memory of those conversations, may try to raise

the topics again, leading to a loss of credibility for your

organization; the others might wonder

"Can't they remember

anything?" A new developer will also have no

political feel for the project's personalities, and

will not be able to influence development directions as quickly or as

smoothly as one who's been around a long time.

Train newcomers through a program of supervised engagement. The new

developer should be in direct contact with the public development

community from the very first day, starting off with bug fixes and

cleanup tasks, so he can learn the code base and acquire a reputation

in the community, yet not spark any long and involved design

discussions. All the while, one or more experienced developers should

be available for questioning, and should be reading every post the

newcomer makes to the development lists, even if

they're in threads that the experienced developers

normally wouldn't pay attention to. This will help

the group spot potential rocks before the newcomer runs aground.

Private, behind-the-scenes encouragement and pointers can also help a

lot, especially if the newcomer is not accustomed to massively

parallel peer review of his code.

When CollabNet hires a new developer to work on Subversion, we sit

down together and pick some open bugs for the new person to cut his

teeth on. We'll discuss the technical outlines of

the solutions, and then assign at least one experienced developer to

(publicly) review the patch that the new developer will (also

publicly) post. We typically don't even look at the

patch before the main development list sees it, although we could if

there were some reason to. The important thing is that the new

developer go through the process of public review, learning the code

base while simultaneously becoming accustomed to receiving critiques

from complete strangers. But we try to coordinate the timing so that

our own review comes immediately after the posting of the patch. That

way the first review the list sees is ours, which can help set the

tone for the others' reviews. It also contributes to

the idea that this new person is to be taken seriously: if others see

that we're putting in the time to give detailed

reviews, with thorough explanations and references into the archives

where appropriate, they'll appreciate that a form of

training is going on, and that it probably signifies a long-term

investment. This can make them more positively disposed toward that

developer, at least to the degree of spending a little extra time

answering questions and reviewing patches.

     < Day Day Up > 

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