Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Recipe 1.14 Setting the Indent of Entire Paragraphs

 < Day Day Up > 

Recipe 1.14 Setting the Indent of Entire Paragraphs


You want to indent entire paragraphs,

turning Figure 1-27 into Figure 1-28.

Figure 1-27. The paragraphs as the browser usually renders them

Figure 1-28. Indented paragraphs


To achieve the desired effect, use class selectors:

p.normal {

padding: 0;

margin-left: 0;

margin-right: 0;


p.large {

margin-left: 33%;

margin-right: 5%;


p.medium {

margin-left: 15%;

margin-right: 33%;


Then place the appropriate attribute in the markup:

<p class="normal">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer 

adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut

laoreet dolore magna al iquam erat volutpat.</p>

<p class="large">Epsum factorial non deposit quid pro quo hic

escorol. Olypian quarrels et gorilla congolium sic ad nauseum.

Souvlaki ignitus carborundum e pluribus unum.</p>

<p class="medium ">Li Europan lingues es membres del sam

familie. Lor separat existentie es un myth. Por scientie, musica,

sport etc., li tot Europa usa li sam vocabularium</p>


Class selectors pick any HTML element that uses the

class attribute. The difference between class and

type selectors is that selectors pick out

every instance of the HTML element. In the following two CSS rules,

the first selector is a type selector that signifies all content

marked as h2 be displayed as red while the following CSS rule, a

class selector, sets the padding of an element to 33%:

h2 {

color: red;


.largeIndent {

padding-left: 33%;


Combining both type and class selectors on one element gains greater

specificity over the styling of elements. In the following markup,

the third element is set to red and also has a padding on the left

set to 33%:

<h2>This is red.</h2>

<h3 class="largeIndent">This has a rather large indent.</h3>

<h2 class="largeIndent">This is both red and indented.</h2>

Another solution that could be used instead of class selectors is to

apply the indent using margins and then use

adjacent sibling selectors to apply

the style to the paragraphs:

p, p+p+p+p {

padding: 0;

margin-left: 0;

margin-right: 0;


p+p, p+p+p+p+p {

margin-left: 33%;

margin-right: 5%;


p+p+p, p+p+p+p+p+p {

margin-left: 15%;

margin-right: 33%;


This method takes advantage of the adjacent sibling selectors, which

are represented by two or more regular selectors separated by plus

sign(s). For example, the h2+p selector stylizes

the paragraph immediately following an

h2 element.

For this Recipe we want to stylize certain paragraphs in the order in

which they appear on-screen. For example, p+p

selects the paragraph element that follows another paragraph.

However, when there are more than two paragraphs, the third paragraph

(as well as others after the third paragraph) is rendered in the same

style as the second paragraph. This occurs because the third

paragraph is immediately followed by a paragraph.

To separate the styles from the second and third paragraphs, set up

another CSS rule for the third paragraph that selects three

paragraphs that follow each other:

p+p+p {

margin-left: 15%;

margin-right: 33%;


Then, build off of these CSS rules by grouping

the selectors. Instead of writing two CSS rules to stylize the third

and sixth paragraphs, separate the selectors by a comma and a space:

p+p+p, p+p+p+p+p+p {

margin-left: 15%;

margin-right: 33%;


The main problem with adjacent sibling selectors is that they

aren't supported by all versions of Internet

Explorer for Windows. Therefore, these users will not see the

paragraphs indented. Adjacent sibling selectors are supported in

Internet Explorer for Macintosh 5, Netscape Navigator 6+, and Operat


See Also

The CSS 2.1 specification about class selectors at;

the CSS 2.1 specification about adjacent sibling selectors


     < Day Day Up > 

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