Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Web site

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Web site

A Web site, www.cs.lth.se/pdm-scm/book, includes a set of presentation slides and additional material for personal study and to support the use of this book in teaching. Instructors may freely use and modify the presentation material.


We developed this book while working in three different places. We wrote in parallel, read and commented, or directly changed the text that another just wrote. Sometimes each of us worked on separate chapters, sometimes we worked together on the same chapter. It was literary a distributed development project. To make it possible to work in this way, we used the concurrent versions system (CVS) SCM tool. Over time, we realized more and more that CVS was an enormous help—and that we could not have finished our work without such support. We wish to thank all enthusiastic developers of this simple and yet so powerful tool.

Many people have contributed to the development of this book. First, we wish to thank Daniel Svensson and Allan Hedin, who actively contributed in several chapters. The inspiration for the book came from our work on the project PDM and SCM: Similarities and Differences, organized by the Association of Swedish Engineering Industries. The final report of that project was the basis for many parts of this book. We wish to thank the project participants for many fruitful discussions and for important input to the book. Many thanks to Göran Östlund, Johan Ranby, Jan-Ola Krüger, Magnus Larsson, Thomas Nilsson, Olle Eriksson, Daniel Svensson, and Allan Hedin. Special thanks to Göran Östlund, the representative of the Association of Swedish Engineering Industries, who kindly offered all the project material for the work on the book. Jacky Estublier and Geoffrey Clemm read the project report and an early version of the text for the book and greatly encouraged us to continue to work on the book. Many people from the ABB, Ericsson, Mentor Graphics, SAAB, and SUN companies have helped us greatly to make the case studies up to date, accurate, and interesting. We are obliged to them very much. Special gratitude goes to Peter Lister, an active member of International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), who reviewed the entire book in detail and whose comments led invariably to its improvement. We wish to thank Victor Miller, who did a great job of reviewing all chapters and enhancing the writing style. We are particularly indebted to Tim Pitts and Tiina Ruonamaa from Artech House for their enormous and sustained support during the writing. Finally, we wish to express to our families our gratitude and love, to the children Tea and Luka, Johan and Emma, and Fredrik, Emma, and Kaspar, and to our spouses, Gordana, Maria, and Roger, without whose indefinite, unfailing, and generous support this book could not have been written.

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