Thursday, October 22, 2009

3.14 Writing Comparisons Involving NULL in Programs

I l@ve RuBoard

3.14 Writing Comparisons Involving NULL in Programs

3.14.1 Problem

You're writing a program
that issues a query, but it fails for NULL values.

3.14.2 Solution

Try writing the comparison selectively for NULL
and non-NULL values.

3.14.3 Discussion

The need to use different comparison operators for
NULL values than for non-NULL
values leads to a subtle danger when constructing query strings
within programs. If you have a value stored in a variable that might
represent a NULL value, you must account for that
if you use the value in comparisons. For example, in Perl,
undef represents a NULL value,
so to construct a statement that finds records in the
taxpayer table matching some arbitrary value in an
$id variable, you cannot do this:

$sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT * FROM taxpayer WHERE id = ?");
$sth->execute ($id);

The statement fails when $id is
undef, because the resulting query becomes:

SELECT * FROM taxpayer WHERE id = NULL

That statement returns no records�a comparison of
= NULL always fails. To take
into account the possibility that $id may be
undef, construct the query using the appropriate
comparison operator like this:

$operator = (defined ($id) ? "=" : "IS");
$sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT * FROM taxpayer WHERE id $operator ?");
$sth->execute ($id);

This results in queries as follows for $id values
of undef (NULL) or 43 (not

SELECT * FROM taxpayer WHERE id = 43

For inequality tests, set $operator like this

$operator = (defined ($id) ? "!=" : "IS NOT");

    I l@ve RuBoard

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