Thursday, October 22, 2009

Chapter 6. Formatting Data with Tags

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JSP Standard Tag Library Kick Start
Jeff Heaton

of Contents

Chapter 6. Formatting Data with

JSTL provides several tags that greatly
simplify the formatting and parsing of data. Tags are provided
that allow you to format numbers, percents, dates, and
currencies. By using these tags, you can fine-tune the output
of your data, without the need for customized display

Web applications must frequently process data
entered by a user. Data from a user always arrives as a
string. However, this string is often a number, date,
percentage, or other data type. JSTL provides parsing tags
that enable you to take the strings a user enters and parse
them into other data types.

In this chapter, we examine both of these
issues. We provide several examples that illustrate practical
application of data formatting and parsing. We begin by
examining the process of data formatting.

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