Saturday, October 31, 2009

Creating Listboxes

Creating Listboxes

Unlike the HTML controls we've already seen, HTML listboxes, created with <SELECT> controls, can support multiple selections. For example, take a look at phplistbox.html, Example 5-9, where we're letting the user select his or her favorite fruits.

Example 5-9. Listboxes, phplistbox.html

<TITLE>Using Lists</TITLE>

<H1>Using Lists</H1>
<FORM METHOD="GET" ACTION="listbox.php">
Select your favorite fruit(s):

The user can select multiple listbox items, as you see in Figure 5-9.

Figure 5-9. Using listboxes.

[View full size image]

We've named the listbox "Food" here, but because multiple selections are possible, we can't just recover the selections using $_REQUEST["Food"]. Instead, we can refer to the first selection, if there is one, as $_REQUEST["Food"][0], the second, if there is one, as $_REQUEST["Food"][1], and so on. To catch them all, we'll use a foreach loop as you see in listbox.php, Example 5-10.

Example 5-10. Retrieving data from lists, listbox.php

<TITLE>Using Lists</TITLE>

<H1>Retrieving Data From Lists</H1>
You selected:
foreach($_REQUEST["Food"] as $fruit){
echo $fruit, "<BR>";

The results appear in Figure 5-10, where, as you can see, we're retrieving the selections the user made in a multi-user listbox. Not bad.

Figure 5-10. Reading data from listboxes.

[View full size image]

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