Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hack 86. Automate Visual Studio

 < Day Day Up > 

Hack 86. Automate Visual Studio

Reach into Visual Studio and pull all its

strings with the Visual Studio automation object model

The Visual Studio automation object model

provides an interface for you to develop macros, add-ins, and other

tools that access and manipulate the Visual Studio environment. Using

this object model, you can access and change just about every part of

Visual Studio.

In this hack, you will learn about the object model and some of the

more useful tasks that can be automated using it. In this hack, I

will not be focusing on macros [Hack 51],

add-ins [Hack #89], wizards [Hack #88] , or any of the

other ways that the object model can be accessed. Rather, I will

focus on the object model itself and include small code snippets that

accomplish a specific task. I will use macros as examples throughout

this hack simply because they are easier for you to try out and test,

but it is important to remember that these operations could be

performed by anything operating against the object model.

Using the macro recording functionality of Visual Studio [Hack #51] can be a great way to

discover how to do something through the DTE

(Development Tools Extensibility) object. It isn't

always perfect, but it is sometimes easier than trying to find the

answer in the documentation.

MSDN includes a great reference to this object model. You can access

the MSDN

documentation through Help

Contents Visual Studio .NET Developing with

Visual Studio Reference Automation and

Extensibility Reference or from MSDN Online at the following URL:

The automation object model chart is particularly useful since it

shows a visual hyperlinked representation of the entire object model,

and you can drill down into the documentation for each class.

At the top of the object model is the DTE object. This object

contains all of the classes and collections that you will be working

with to automate Visual Studio. This is the object that your macro or

add-in will reference and use.

12.2.1. Automate Documents

Possibly the most frequently used object in the

DTE is the Document object. Using

the Document object, you can work with and manipulate any of the

documents currently loaded in Visual Studio. You can work with two

main properties on the DTE object to interface with the documents.

The first is the Documents object, which is a

collection of all the documents currently open in the IDE. The other

property is called ActiveDocument and is a

reference to the document that is currently shown in the document


Using just these two objects, you could write a macro to loop through

the collection of documents and close all but the active document:

Public Sub CloseAllButActive( )

'Declare and get an instance of the active document

Dim active As Document = ActiveDocument

Dim d As Document

'Loop through each document and if it [is? NE] not

'the active document close it

For Each d In DTE.Documents

If Not d Is active Then

d.Close( )

End If


End Sub

Another way to work with a document is to manipulate its actual text.

Many of the macros in this book do this. To work with the text of the

document, you will use the TextSelection object.

The TextSelection object is a reference to the

currently selected text, but it can really be used to change any of

the text in the document.

The TextSelection object contains methods like

StartOfDocument, EndOfDocument,

StartOfLine, and EndOfLine.

Something I commonly have to do is move existing text into a

try . . . catch block�this is something you

could easily automate using the TextSelection

object. Here is an example of a macro that surrounds the selected

text with a TRy . . . Catch block:

Public Sub InsertTryCatch( )

Dim selection As TextSelection = ActiveDocument.Selection

Dim text As String

text = "try" & vbCrLf & " { " & vbCrLf & _

selection.Text & vbCrLf & "}" & vbCrLf & _

"catch" & vbCrLf & "{" & vbCrLf & "}"

selection.Text = text

End Sub

You would need to write a different macro to create a VB.NET

TRy . . . Catch block.

The Documents object is extremely valuable. When

writing macros and add-ins, this will probably be one of the more

frequent objects you use.

12.2.2. Invoke Commands


DTE object includes a

Commands collection that contains all of the

commands currently in Visual Studio. Commands are normally used by

wiring them to a keystroke [Hack #24] or through the

command window [Hack #46] , but you can

also call them directly through the DTE.

To call a command directly, you simply need to call the

ExecuteCommand method on the DTE object. Here is

an example of calling this method:


This code will execute the Edit.FormatSelection

command, effectively the same as calling this command from the

Command Window or through a shortcut key. You can get a reference to

the actual command object through the

DTE.Commands.Item method. Here is an example of

getting a reference to this same command:

Dim com As Command = DTE.Commands.Item("Edit.FormatSelection")

Once you have the command object, you can

add it to a command bar (more commonly known as a toolbar)

[Hack #89] or even delete

it if needed. The Commands object also includes an

AddNewCommand method, which can be used to add

custom commands for an add-in.

12.2.3. Automate Windows

Visual Studio includes a large

number of different windows. So many in fact that there is a hack in

this book dedicated to just knowing how to best manage all these

windows [Hack #16] . The

Windows collection of the DTE object allows you to access

these windows and work with them. To get a reference to a window, you

will need to use one of the many vsWindowKind

constants. There is a constant for each of the windows that can be

shown in Visual Studio. Table 12-1 shows a list of

some of the more common windows and their corresponding



Table 12-1. Window constants





Solution Explorer


Output window


Properties window


Command window


Here is an example of creating a reference to a window:

Window win = env.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindToolbox);

Using the Window object, you can set normal window properties, such

as whether the window is visible or autohides, but more importantly,

you can sometimes access more functionality. The toolbox is a great

example of this. A Toolbox object can be accessed by referencing the

Object property of the Window class. The following code shows how to

get this object:

ToolBox toolBox = (ToolBox) win.Object;

Once you have the ToolBox object, you could then work with the

toolbox [Hack #28] .

In addition to the objects covered in this hack, there are also

objects that can access projects, solutions, the debugger, source

control, command bars, macros, and much more. For more information,

refer to the excellent MSDN documentation and some of the examples

throughout this book.

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