Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chapter 12: Structural Testing

Chapter 12: Structural Testing

The structure of the software itself is a valuable source of information for selecting test cases and determining whether a set of test cases has been sufficiently thorough. We can ask whether a test suite has "covered" a control flow graph or other model of the program.[1] It is simplest to consider structural coverage criteria as addressing the test adequacy question: "Have we tested enough." In practice we will be interested not so much in asking whether we are done, but in asking what the unmet obligations with respect to the adequacy criteria suggest about additional test cases that may be needed; that is, we will often treat the adequacy criterion as a heuristic for test case selection or generation. For example, if one statement remains unexecuted despite execution of all the test cases in a test suite, we may devise additional test cases that exercise that statement. Structural information should not be used as the primary answer to the question, "How shall I choose tests," but it is useful in combination with other test selection criteria (particularly functional testing) to help answer the question "What additional test cases are needed to reveal faults that may not become apparent through black-box testing alone."

Required Background

  • Chapter 5

    The material on control flow graphs and related models of program structure is required to understand this chapter.

  • Chapter 9

    The introduction to test case adequacy and test case selection in general sets the context for this chapter. It is not strictly required for understanding this chapter, but is helpful for understanding how the techniques described in this chapter should be applied.

[1]In this chapter we use the term program generically for the artifact under test, whether that artifact is a complete application or an individual unit together with a test harness. This is consistent with usage in the testing research literature.

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