Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A.3 Advantages of the New Join Syntax

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A.3 Advantages of the New Join Syntax

The ANSI join syntax

represents a bit of an adjustment to

developers who are used to using Oracle's

traditional join syntax, including the outer join operator

(+). However, there are several advantages to

using the syntax introduced in Oracle9i


  • The new join syntax follows the ANSI standard, making your code more


  • The ON and USING clauses keep join conditions away from the filter

    conditions in the WHERE clause. This enhances development

    productivity and the maintainability of your code.

  • The ANSI/ISO syntax makes it possible to perform a full outer join

    without having to perform a UNION of two SELECT queries.

We recommend that while working with Oracle9i

Database and later Oracle releases,

you use the new join syntax instead of the traditional join syntax.

     < Day Day Up > 

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