Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Program 91: Stacked Wrong

Program 91: Stacked Wrong

In the following program we define an unsafe class, stack, and a safer version of it, safe_stack. Our test program creates an array of five stacks and pushes on some test data. It prints the size of the stack. But the results are not what we expect.

1 /************************************************
2 * stack_test -- Test the use of the classes *
3 * stack and safe_stack. *
4 ************************************************/
5 #include <iostream>
7 // The largest stack we can use
8 // (private to class stack and safe_stack)
9 const int STACK_MAX = 100;
10 /************************************************
11 * stack -- Class to provide a classic stack. *
12 * *
13 * Member functions: *
14 * push -- Push data on to the stack. *
15 * pop -- Return the top item from the *
16 * stack. *
17 * *
18 * Warning: There are no checks to make sure *
19 * that stack limits are not exceeded. *
20 ************************************************/
21 class stack {
22 protected:
23 int count; // Number of items in the stack
24 int *data; // The stack data
25 public:
26 // Initialize the stack
27 stack(void): count(0)
28 {
29 data = new int[STACK_MAX];
30 }
31 // Destructor
32 virtual ~stack(void) {
33 delete data;
34 data = NULL;
35 }
36 private:
37 // No copy constructor
38 stack(const stack &);
40 // No assignment operator
41 stack & operator = (const stack &);
42 public:
43 // Push an item on the stack
44 void push(
45 const int item // Item to push
46 ) {
47 data[count] = item;
48 ++count;
49 }
50 // Remove the an item from the stack
51 int pop(void) {
52 --count;
53 return (data[count]);
54 }
56 // Function to count things in
57 // an array of stacks
58 friend void stack_counter(
59 stack stack_array[],
60 const int n_stacks
61 );
62 };
64 /***********************************************
65 * safe_stack -- Like stack, but checks for *
66 * errors. *
67 * *
68 * Member functions: push and pop *
69 * (just like stack) *
70 ***********************************************/
71 class safe_stack : public stack {
72 public:
73 const int max; // Limit of the stack
74 public:
75 safe_stack(void): max(STACK_MAX) {};
76 // Destructor defaults
77 private:
78 // No copy constructor
79 safe_stack(const safe_stack &);
81 // No assignment operator
82 safe_stack & operator =
83 (const safe_stack &);
84 public:
85 // Push an item on the stack
86 void push(
87 // Data to push on the stack
88 const int data
89 ) {
90 if (count >= (STACK_MAX-1)) {
91 std::cout << "Stack push error\n";
92 exit (8);
93 }
94 stack::push(data);
95 }
96 // Pop an item off the stack
97 int pop(void) {
98 if (count <= o) {
99 std::cout << "Stack pop error\n";
100 exit (8);
101 }
102 return (stack::pop());
103 }
104 };
107 /************************************************
108 * stack_counter -- Display the count of the *
109 * number of items in an array of stacks. *
110 ************************************************/
111 void stack_counter(
112 // Array of stacks to check
113 stack *stack_array,
115 // Number of stacks to check
116 const int n_stacks
117 )
118 {
119 int i;
121 for (i = 0; i < n_stacks; ++i)
122 {
123 std::cout << "Stack " << i << " has " <<
124 stack_array[i].count << " elements\n";
125 }
126 }
128 // A set of very safe stacks for testing
129 static safe_stack stack_array[5];
131 int main()
132 {
134 stack_array[0].push(0);
136 stack_array[1].push(0);
137 stack_array[1].push(1);
139 stack_array[2].push(0);
140 stack_array[2].push(1);
141 stack_array[2].push(2);
143 stack_array[3].push(0);
144 stack_array[3].push(1);
145 stack_array[3].push(2);
146 stack_array[3].push(3);
148 stack_array[4].push(0);
149 stack_array[4].push(1);
150 stack_array[4].push(2);
151 stack_array[4].push(3);
152 stack_array[4].push(4);
154 stack_counter(stack_array, 5);
155 return (0);
156 }

(Next Hint 296. Answer 72.)

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