Monday, January 11, 2010

Section 10.2. The Top-Level Environment

10.2. The Top-Level Environment

When the Ruby interpreter starts, a number of classes, modules,
constants, and global variables and global functions are defined and
available for use by programs. The subsections that follow list these
predefined features.

10.2.1. Predefined Modules and Classes

When the Ruby 1.8 interpreter starts, the following modules are

Comparable      FileTest        Marshal         Precision
Enumerable GC Math Process
Errno Kernel ObjectSpace Signal

These classes are defined on startup:

Array           File            Method          String
Bignum Fixnum Module Struct
Binding Float NilClass Symbol
Class Hash Numeric Thread
Continuation IO Object ThreadGroup
Data Integer Proc Time
Dir MatchData Range TrueClass
FalseClass MatchingData Regexp UnboundMethod

The following exception classes are also defined:

ArgumentError           NameError               SignalException
EOFError NoMemoryError StandardError
Exception NoMethodError SyntaxError
FloatDomainError NotImplementedError SystemCallError
IOError RangeError SystemExit
IndexError RegexpError SystemStackError
Interrupt RuntimeError ThreadError
LoadError ScriptError TypeError
LocalJumpError SecurityError ZeroDivisionError

Ruby 1.9 adds the following modules, classes, and

BasicObject     FiberError      Mutex           VM
Fiber KeyError StopIteration

You can check the predefined modules, classes, and exceptions in
your implementation with code like this:

# Print all modules (excluding classes)
puts {|x| eval(x.to_s).instance_of? Module}

# Print all classes (excluding exceptions)
puts {|x|
c = eval(x.to_s)
c.is_a? Class and not c.ancestors.include? Exception

# Print all exceptions
puts {|x|
c = eval(x.to_s)
c.instance_of? Class and c.ancestors.include? Exception

10.2.2. Top-Level Constants

When the Ruby interpreter starts, the following top-level
constants are defined (in addition
to the modules and classes listed previously). A module that defines a
constant by the same name can still access these top-level constants by
explicitly prefixing them with ::. You can list the
top-level constants in your implementation with:

ruby -e 'puts Module.constants.sort.reject{|x| eval(x.to_s).is_a? Module}'


An IO object providing access to a
virtual concatenation of files named in ARGV,
or to standard input if ARGV is empty. A
synonym for $<.


An array containing the arguments specified on the command line. A
synonym for $*.


If your program file includes the token
__END__ on a line by itself, then this constant
is defined to be a stream that allows access to the lines of the
file following __END__. If the program file
does not include __END__, then this constant is
not defined.


An object that behaves like a hash and provides access
to the environment variable settings in effect for the


A deprecated synonym for false.


A deprecated synonym for nil.


A string indicating the patchlevel for the interpreter.


A string indicating the platform of the Ruby interpreter.


A string indicating the release date of the Ruby interpreter.


A string indicating the version of the Ruby language supported by the


The standard error output stream. This is the default
value of the $stderr variable.


The standard input stream. This is the default value of the
$stdin variable.


The standard output stream. This is the default value of the
$stdout variable.


A Binding object representing the
bindings in the top-level scope.


A deprecated synonym for true.

10.2.3. Global Variables

The Ruby interpreter predefines a number of global variables that your
programs can use. Many of these variables are special in some way. Some
use punctuation characters in their names. (The
English.rb module defines English-language
alternatives to the punctuation. Add require
to your program if you want to use these verbose
alternatives.) Some are read-only and may not be assigned to. And some
are thread-local, so that each thread of a Ruby program may see a
different value of the variable. Finally, some global variables
($_, $~, and the pattern-matching
variables derived from it) are method-local: although the variable is
globally accessible, its value is local to the current method. If a
method sets the value of one of these magic globals, it does not alter
the value seen by the code that invokes that method.

You can obtain the complete list of global variables predefined by
your Ruby interpreter with:

ruby -e 'puts global_variables.sort'

To include the verbose names from the English
module in your listing, try:

ruby -rEnglish -e 'puts global_variables.sort'

The subsections that follow document the predefined global
variables by category. Global settings

These global variables hold configuration settings and specify
information, such as command-line arguments, about the environment in
which the Ruby program is running:


A read-only synonym for the ARGV
constant. English synonym: $ARGV.


The process ID of the current Ruby process. Read-only.
English synonyms: $PID,


The exit status of the last process terminated.
Read-only and thread-local. English synonym:



Set to true if the
-d or --debug options were
set on the command line.



In Ruby 1.8, this variable holds a string that names the
current text encoding. Its value is "NONE", "UTF8", "SJIS" or
"EUC". This value can be set with the interpreter option
-K. This variable no longer works in Ruby 1.9
and using it causes a warning.



An array of strings naming the files that have been
loaded. Read-only.




An array of strings holding the directories to be searched
when loading files with the load and
require methods. This variable is read-only,
but you can alter the contents of the array to which it refers,
appending or prepending new directories to the path, for



The name of the file that holds the Ruby program currently
being executed. The value will be "-" if the
program is read from standard input, or "-e"
if the program was specified with a -e
option. Note that this is different from


The current safe level for program execution. See Section 10.5
for details. This variable may be set from the command line with
the -T option. The value of this variable is




True if the -v, -w,
or --verbose command-line option is
specified. nil if -W0 was
specified. false otherwise. You can set this
variable to nil to suppress all
warnings. Exception-handling globals

The following two global variables are useful in
rescue clauses when an exception has been


The last exception object raised. The exception
object can also be accessed using the =>
syntax in the declaration of the rescue
clause. The value of this variable is thread-local. English
synonym: $ERROR_INFO.


The stack trace of the last exception, equivalent to
$!.backtrace. This value is thread-local.
English synonym: $ERROR_POSITION. Streams and text-processing globals

The following globals are IO streams and variable that
affect the default behavior of text-processing
Kernel methods. You'll find examples of their use
in Section 10.3:


The last string read by the Kernel
methods gets and readline.
This value is thread-local and method-local. A number of
Kernel methods operate implicitly on
$_. English synonym:


A read-only synonym for the ARGF
stream: an IO-like object providing access to
a virtual concatenation of the files specified on the
command-line, or to standard input if no files were specified.
Kernel read methods, such as
gets, read from this stream. Note that this
stream is not always the same as $stdin.
English synonym: $DEFAULT_INPUT.


The standard input stream. The initial value of this
variable is the constant STDIN. Many Ruby
program read from ARGF or
$< instead of



The standard output stream, and the destination of the
printing methods of Kernel: puts,
print, printf, etc.
English synonym: $DEFAULT_OUTPUT.


The standard error output stream. The initial value of this variable
is the constant STDERR.


The name of the file currently being read from
ARGF. Equivalent to
ARGF.filename. Read-only.


The number of the last line read from the current input file.
Equivalent to ARGF.lineno. English synonyms:



The input record separator (newline by default).
gets and readline use this
value by default to determine line boundaries. You can set this
value with the -0 interpreter option. English
synonyms: $RS,


The output record separator. The default value is
nil, but is set to $/ when
the interpreter option -l is used. If
non-nil, the output record separator is
output after every call to print (but not
puts or other output methods). English
synonyms: $ORS,


The separator output between the arguments to
print and the default separator for
Array.join. The default is
nil. English synonyms:



The default field separator used by split. The
default is nil, but you can specify a value
with the interpreter option -F. English
synonyms: $FS,


This variable is defined if the Ruby interpreter is invoked with
the -a option and either
-n or -p. It holds the
fields of the current input line, as returned by
split. Pattern-matching globals

The following globals are thread-local and method-local and are
set by any Regexp pattern-matching


The MatchData object produced by
the last pattern matching operation. This value is thread-local
and method-local. The other pattern-matching globals described
here are derived from this one. Setting this variable to a new
MatchData object alters the value of the
other variables. English synonym:


The most recently matched text. Equivalent to
$~[0]. Read-only, thread-local, method-local,
and derived from $~. English synonym:


The string preceding the match in the last pattern match. Equivalent to
$~.pre_match. Read-only, thread-local,
method-local, and derived from $~. English
synonym: $PREMATCH.


The string following the match in the last pattern match.
Equivalent to $~.post_match Read-only,
thread-local, method-local, and derived from
$~. English synonym:


The string corresponding to the last successfully matched
group in the last pattern match. Read-only, thread-local,
method-local, and derived from $~. English
$LAST_PAREN_MATCH. Command-line option globals

Ruby defines a number of global variables that correspond to the
state or value of interpreter command-line options. The variables
$-0, $-F,
$-I, $-K,
$-d, $-v, and
$-w have synonyms and are included in the previous


true if the interpreter option
-a was specified; false
otherwise. Read-only.


nil if the interpreter option
-i was not specified. Otherwise, this
variable is set to the backup file extension specified with


true if the -l
option was specified. Read-only.


true if the interpreter option
-p was specified; false
otherwise. Read-only.


In Ruby 1.9, this global variable specifies the current
verbose level. It is 0 if the -W0 option was used, and is
2 if any of the options
-w, -v, or
--verbose were used. Otherwise, this variable
is 1. Read-only.

10.2.4. Predefined Global Functions

The Kernel module, which is included by
Object, defines a number of private instance methods
that serve as global functions. Because they are private, they must be
invoked functionally, without an explicit receiver object. And because
they are included by Object, they can be invoked
anywhere—no matter what the value of self is, it will
be an object, and these methods can be implicitly invoked on it. The
functions defined by Kernel can be grouped into
several categories, most of which are covered elsewhere in this chapter
or elsewhere in this book. Keyword functions

The following Kernel functions behave like
language keywords and are documented elsewhere in this book:

block_given?    iterator?       loop            require
callcc lambda proc throw
catch load raise Text input, output, and manipulation functions

Kernel defines the following functions most
of which are global variants of IO methods. They
are covered in more detail in Section 10.3:

format          print           puts            sprintf
gets printf readline
p putc readlines

In Ruby 1.8 (but not 1.9), Kernel also
defines the following global variants of String
methods that operate implicitly on $_:

chomp   chop    gsub    scan    sub
chomp! chop! gsub! split sub! OS methods

The following Kernel functions allow a Ruby
program to interface with the operating system. They are
platform-dependent and are covered in Section 10.4. Note that
` is the specially named backtick method that
returns the text output by an arbitrary OS shell command:

`       fork    select  system  trap
exec open syscall test Warnings, failures, and exiting

The following Kernel functions display
warnings, raise exceptions, cause the program to exit, or register
blocks of code to be run when the program terminates. They are
documented along with OS-specific methods in Section 10.4:

abort   at_exit exit    exit!   fail    warn Reflection functions

The following Kernel functions are part of
Ruby's reflection API and were described in Chapter 8:

binding                         set_trace_func
caller singleton_method_added
eval singleton_method_removed
global_variables singleton_method_undefined
local_variables trace_var
method_missing untrace_var
remove_instance_variable Conversion functions

The following Kernel functions attempt to
convert their arguments to a new type. They were described in Section

Array   Float   Integer String Miscellaneous Kernel functions

The following miscellaneous Kernel functions
don't fit into the previous categories:

autoload                rand                    srand
autoload? sleep

rand and srand are for
generating random numbers, and are documented in Section 9.3.7. autoload and
autoload? are covered in Section 7.6.3. And sleep is covered in
Section 9.9 and Section 10.4.4.

10.2.5. User-Defined Global Functions

When you define a method with def inside a
class or module declaration and do
not specify a receiver object for the method, the method is created as a
public instance method of self, where
self is the class or module you are defining. Using
def at the top level, outside of any
class or module, is different in
two important ways. First, top-level methods are instance methods of
Object (even though self is not
Object). Second, top-level methods are always

Top-Level self: the Main Object

Because top-level methods become instance methods of
Object, you might expect that the value of
self would be Object. In fact,
however, top-level methods are a special case: methods are defined in
Object, but self is a different
object. This special top-level object is known as the "main" object,
and there is not much to say about it. The class of the
main object is Object, and it
has a singleton to_s method that returns the string

The fact that top-level methods are defined in
Object means that they are inherited by all objects
(including Module and Class) and
(if not overridden) can be used within any class or instance method
definition. (You can review Ruby's method name resolution algorithm in
Section 7.8 to convince yourself of this.) The fact
that top-level methods are private means that they must be invoked like
functions, without an explicit receiver. In this way, Ruby mimics a
procedural programming paradigm within its strictly object-oriented

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