Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Section 3.15. Meanwhile, back at Tony's site...

3.15. Meanwhile, back at Tony's site...

You've come a long way already in this chapter: you've designed and created Tony's site, you've met a few new elements, and you've learned a few things about elements that most people creating pages on the Web don't even know (like block and inline elements, which are really going to come in handy in later chapters).

But you're not done yet. We can take Tony's site from good to great by looking for a few more opportunities to add some markup.

Like what? How about lists? Check this out:

There's a list right here. Tony wrote the list of cities that he's been through in his August journal entry.

Wouldn't it be great if we could mark up this text so the browser knows this text is a list? Then the browser could display the list items in a more useful way. Something like this:

Well I've made it 1200 miles already, and I passed through some interesting places on the way:

  1. Walla Walla, WA

  2. Magic City, ID

  3. Bountiful, UT

  4. Last Chance, CO

  5. Why, AZ

  6. Truth or Consequences, NM

Note that not only is this a list, but it's an ordered list. Tony visited these cities in a particular order.

Remember, it's important to use the right tool for the job, and the <p> element is NOT the right tool for this job.

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