2.3 The Components of an Instance
An Oracle instance can be defined as an area of shared memory and a collection of background processes. The area of shared memory for an instance is called the System Global Area, or SGA. The SGA is not really one large undifferentiated section of memory�it's made up of various components that we'll examine in Section 2.3.1. All the processes of an instance�system processes and user processes�share the SGA.
Prior to Oracle9i, the size of the SGA was set when the Oracle instance was started. The only way to change the size of the SGA or any of its components was to change the initialization parameter and then stop and restart the instance. Since Oracle9i, you can change the size of the SGA or its components while the Oracle instance is still running. Oracle9i introduced the concept of the granule, which is the smallest amount of memory that you can add to or subtract from the SGA.
The background processes interact with the operating system and each other to manage the memory structures for the instance. These processes also manage the actual database on disk and perform general housekeeping for the instance.
There are other physical files that you can consider as part of the instance as well:
- The instance initialization file
The initialization file contains a variety of parameters that configure how the instance will operate: how much memory it will use, how many users it will allow to connect, to which database the instance actually provides access, and so on. You can alter many of these parameters dynamically at either the systemwide or session-specific level. Prior to Oracle9i, the only initialization file was called INIT.ORA. Oracle9i introduced a file named SPFILE that performs the same function as the INIT.ORA file but can also persistently store changes to initialization parameters that have been made while Oracle is running.
SPFILE is a binary file that is kept on the server machine, which eliminates the need for INIT.ORA files on client machines. When an instance of Oracle starts up, it first looks for SPFILE and then for an INIT.ORA file.
Oracle Database 10g's automated features reduce the number of parameters requiring initial manual definition. Now, fewer than 40 parameters require manual definition.
- The instance configuration file
CONFIG.ORA is an optional parameter file. You can include it if you want to segregate a set of initialization parameters (for example, those used for Real Application Clusters).
- The password file
Oracle can use an optional password file stored as an operating system file to provide additional flexibility for managing Oracle databases. This file is encrypted and contains userids and passwords that can be used to perform administrative tasks, such as starting and stopping the instance. Password files are typically used to implement remote access security in addition to access security by operating system, which is usually used locally (i.e., on the database server). For example, on a Unix system, any user in the DBA group can start up or shut down Oracle�the operating system group gives them the authority. However, the database server operating-system authentication always has priority over a password-file authentication and cannot be used to force the entry of a password if operating system authentication is enabled. Validating a password against the value stored in the database for a user is not possible when the database is not open. The password file forces a user to authenticate herself with a password in order to start up the database.
Figure 2-8 illustrates the memory structures and background processes, which are discussed in the following sections.
Additional background processes may exist when you use certain other features of the database: for example, shared servers (formerly the Multi-Threaded Server or MTS prior to Oracle9i), or job queues and replication. For now, we'll just describe the basic pieces of an Oracle instance and leave the optional pieces for later in the book. We'll discuss the shared server processes in Chapter 3, and replication processes in Chapter 10.
2.3.1 Memory Structures for an Instance
As shown in Figure 2-8, the System Global Area is actually composed of three main areas: the database buffer cache, the shared pool, and the redo log buffer.
Another type of memory pool, the large pool (not shown in Figure 2-8), was introduced in Oracle8. This optional area of the SGA is used for buffering I/O for various server processes, including those used for backup and recovery. The area is also used to store session memory for the shared server and when using the XA protocol for distributed transactions, as discussed in Chapter 12.
This alternate pool exists to reduce the demand on the shared pool for certain large memory allocations. The initialization parameter used to configure the large pool is LARGE_POOL_SIZE.
The following sections describe these areas of the SGA. For a more detailed discussion of performance issues for these areas, see "How Oracle Uses the System Global Area" in Chapter 6. Note that in Oracle Database 10g, the initialization parameters that affect the size of the SGA are now dynamic. Database buffer cache
The database buffer cache caches blocks of data retrieved from the database. This buffer between the users' requests and the actual datafiles improves the performance of the Oracle database. If a piece of data can be found in the buffer cache, you can retrieve it from memory without the overhead of having to go to disk. Oracle manages the cache using a least recently used (LRU) algorithm. If a user requests data that has been recently used, the data is more likely to be in the database buffer cache; data in the cache can be delivered immediately without a disk read operation being executed.
When a user wants to read a block that is not in the cache, the block must be read and loaded into the cache. When a user makes changes to a block, those changes are made to the block in the cache. At some later time, those changes will be written to the datafile in which the block resides. This avoids making users wait while Oracle writes their changed blocks to disk.
This notion of waiting to perform I/O until absolutely necessary is common throughout Oracle. Disks are the slowest component of a computer system, so the less I/O performed, the faster the system runs. By deferring noncritical I/O operations instead of performing them immediately, an Oracle database can deliver better performance.
Oracle7 had one pool of buffers for database blocks. Oracle8 introduced multiple buffer pools. There are three pools available in Oracle8 and beyond:
The standard Oracle database buffer cache. All objects use this cache unless otherwise indicated.
For frequently used objects you wish to cache.
For objects you're less likely to access again.
Both the KEEP and RECYCLE buffer pools remove their objects from consideration by the LRU algorithm.
You can mark a table or index for caching in a specific buffer pool. This helps to keep more desirable objects in the cache and avoids the "churn" of all objects fighting for space in one central cache. Of course, to use these features properly you must be aware of the access patterns for the various objects used by your application.
Oracle Database 10g simplifes management of buffer cache size by introducing a new dynamic parameter, DB_CACHE_SIZE. This parameter replaces the DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS parameter present in previous Oracle releases. Shared pool
The shared pool caches various constructs that can be shared among users. For example, SQL statements issued by users are cached so they can be reused if the same statement is submitted again. Another example is stored procedures, or pieces of code stored and executed within the database. These are loaded into the shared pool for execution and then cached, again using an LRU algorithm. The shared pool is also used for caching information from the Oracle data dictionary, which is the metadata that describes the structure and content of the database itself. Note that prior to Oracle Database 10g, "out of memory" errors were possible if the shared pool was undersized. Oracle Database 10g provides automatic shared memory tuning. Redo log buffer
The redo log buffer caches redo information until it is written to the physical redo log files stored on a disk. This buffer also improves performance. Oracle caches the redo until it can be written to a disk at a more optimal time, which avoids the overhead of constantly writing the redo logs to disk.
2.3.2 Background Processes for an Instance
The background processes shown in Figure 2-8 are:
- Database Writer (DBWR)
The Database Writer process writes database blocks from the database buffer cache in the SGA to the datafiles on disk. An Oracle instance can have up to 10 DBWR processes, from DBW0 to DBW9, to handle the I/O load to multiple datafiles. Most instances run one DBWR. DBWR writes blocks out of the cache for two main reasons:
If Oracle needs to perform a checkpoint (i.e., to update the blocks of the datafiles so that they "catch up" to the redo logs). Oracle writes the redo for a transaction when it's committed, and later writes the actual blocks. Periodically, Oracle performs a checkpoint to bring the datafile contents in line with the redo that was written out for the committed transactions. If Oracle needs to read blocks requested by users into the cache and there is no free space in the buffer cache. The blocks written out are the least recently used blocks. Writing blocks in this order minimizes the performance impact of losing them from the buffer cache.
- Log Writer (LGWR)
The Log Writer process writes the redo information from the log buffer in the SGA to all copies of the current redo log file on disk. As transactions proceed, the associated redo information is stored in the redo log buffer in the SGA. When a transaction is committed, Oracle makes the redo information permanent by invoking the Log Writer to write it to disk.
- System Monitor (SMON)
The System Monitor process maintains overall health and safety for an Oracle instance. SMON performs crash recovery when the instance is started after a failure and coordinates and performs recovery for a failed instance when you have more than one instance accessing the same database, as with Oracle Parallel Server/Real Application Clusters. SMON also cleans up adjacent pieces of free space in the datafiles by merging them into one piece and gets rid of space used for sorting rows when that space is no longer needed.
- Process Monitor (PMON)
The Process Monitor process watches over the user processes that access the database. If a user process terminates abnormally, PMON is responsible for cleaning up any of the resources left behind (such as memory) and for releasing any locks held by the failed process.
- Archiver (ARC)
The Archiver process reads the redo log files once Oracle has filled them and writes a copy of the used redo log files to the specified archive log destination(s).
Since Oracle8i, an Oracle instance can have up to 10 processes, numbered as described for DBWR above. LGWR will start additional Archivers as needed, based on the load, up to the limit specified by the initialization parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES.
- Checkpoint (CKPT)
The Checkpoint process works with DBWR to perform checkpoints. CKPT updates the control file and database file headers to update the checkpoint data when the checkpoint is complete.
- Recover (RECO)
The Recover process automatically cleans up failed or suspended distributed transactions (discussed in Chapter 10).
With all this talk about processes, you may be wondering whether Oracle actually uses threads or processes in the underlying operating system to implement these services.
For simplicity, throughout this book we use the term process generically to indicate a function that Oracle performs, such as DBWR or LGWR. Oracle on Windows uses one operating system process per instance; thus each "Oracle process" is actually a thread within the one Oracle process. Oracle on Unix uses a process-based architecture. All of the "processes" are actual operating system processes, not threads. Thus, on Unix DBWR, LGWR, and so on are specific operating system processes, while on Windows they are threads within a single process.
There are some exceptions, however. For instance, the shared server uses real threads on Windows and simulated threads on Unix.
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