Monday, January 25, 2010

1.3 A Simple Database

 < Day Day Up > 

1.3 A Simple Database

Because this is a practical book, it contains

numerous examples. Rather than fabricating different sets of tables

and columns for every chapter or section in the book, we have decided

to draw from a single, simple schema for most examples. The subject

area that we chose to model is a parts distributor, such as an

auto-parts wholesaler or medical device distributor, in which the

business fills customer orders for one or more parts that are

supplied by external suppliers. Figure 1-1 shows

the entity-relationship model for this


Figure 1-1. The parts distributor model

If you are unfamiliar with


models, here is a brief description of how they work. Each box in the

model represents an entity, which correlates to

a database table.[1] The

lines between the entities represent the

relationships between


which correlate to foreign keys. For example, the

cust_order table holds a foreign key to the

employee table, which

signifies the salesperson responsible for

a particular order. Physically, this means that the

cust_order table contains a column holding

employee ID numbers, and that, for any given order, the employee ID

number indicates the employee who sold that order. If you find this

confusing, simply use the diagram as an illustration of the tables

and columns found within our database. As you work your way through

the SQL examples in this book, return occasionally to the diagram,

and you should find that the relationships start making sense.

[1] Depending on the purpose of the

model, entities may or may not correlate to database tables. For

example, a logical model depicts business entities and their

relationships, whereas a physical model

illustrates tables and their primary/foreign keys. The model in Figure 1-1 is a physical model.

     < Day Day Up > 

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