Monday, January 25, 2010

Program 114: Slow Progress

Program 114: Slow Progress

This program consists of two threads. The first, sum, does some work that takes a lot of time. The second, status_monitor, displays a progress report every time the user hits the return key. But after a number of test runs, the programmer began to suspect that the status report was incorrect. Why?

1 /************************************************
2 * Sum -- This program sums the sine of the *
3 * numbers from 1 to MAX. (For no good *
4 * reason other than to have something *
5 * to do that takes a long time.) *
6 * *
7 * Since this takes a long time, we have a *
8 * second thread that displays the progress of *
9 * the call. *
10 ************************************************/
11 #include <cstdio>
12 #include <cmath>
13 #include <pthread.h>
14 #include <stdlib.h>
16 /* Counter of what we've summed so far */
17 static int counter;
19 /************************************************
20 * status_monitor -- Monitor the status and *
21 * tell the user how far things have *
22 * progressed. *
23 * *
24 * This thread merely waits for the user to *
25 * press <enter> and then reports the current *
26 * value of counter. *
27 ************************************************/
28 static void *status_monitor(void *) {
29 /* buffer to stuff that comes in */
30 char buffer[3];
32 while (1) {
33 fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin);
34 printf("Progress %d\n", counter);
35 fflush(stdout);
36 }
37 }
39 /************************************************
40 * sum -- Sum the sine of the numbers from 0 to *
41 * 0x3FFFFFFF. Actually we don't care *
42 * about the answer, all we're trying to *
43 * do is create some sort of compute *
44 * bound job so that the status_monitor *
45 * can be demonstrated. *
46 ************************************************/
47 static void sum(void) {
48 static double sum = 0; /* Sum so far */
50 for (counter = 0;
51 counter < 0x3FFFFFF;
52 ++counter)
53 {
54 sum += sin(double(counter));
55 }
57 printf("Total %f\n", sum);
58 exit (0);
59 }
61 int main() {
62 // Status of last system call
63 int status;
65 // Information on the status thread
66 pthread_t status_thread;
68 status = pthread_create(&status_thread, NULL,
69 status_monitor, NULL);
71 if (status != o) {
72 perror(
73 "ERROR: Thread create failed:\n ");
74 exit (8);
75 }
77 sum();
79 return(0);
80 }

(Next Hint 350. Answer 114.)

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