Friday, January 8, 2010

Recipe 2.3 Centering Elements on a Web Page

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Recipe 2.3 Centering Elements on a Web Page



want to center parts of a web page,

as in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5. The headline text centered


To center text in a block-level element, use the text-align property:

h1, h2, h3 {




By using text-align, you can center text inside

block-level elements. However, in this example, the heading takes up

the entire width of the body element, and if you

don't apply a background color to the element, you

probably won't even notice this is happening. The

gray background color in Figure 2-6 shows the

actual width of the centered elements.

Figure 2-6. The actual width of the elements shown by the gray background color

An alternative approach is to use margins to center text within its


h1, h2, h3 {

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;


When you set the margin-left and


properties to auto, you center the element inside

its parent element. However, older but still popular browsers

won't render the presentation correctly. So,

workarounds are needed for individual situations.

Recipe Tables

To center a table, place the

table as the child of a

div element:

<div class="center">

<table width="50%" border="1" cellpadding="30">


<td>This is the first cell</td>

<td>This is the second cell</td>



<td>This is the third cell, it's under the first cell</td>

<td>This is the fourth cell, it's under the second cell.</td>




Then write the following CSS rule:

.center {

text-align: center;


.center table {

width: 50%;

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;

text-align: left;


Although setting both sides of the margin to auto

works in newer generations of browsers, it doesn't

work in Internet Explorer 5 for Windows or Netscape Navigator 4. To

catch those two browsers and tell them to "do the

right thing," the center class

selector uses the text-align technique. However,

if that were all you did, the contents of the table cells would be

centered as well. To counteract that effect, use a descendent

selector, .center table, to align the contents in

the table cell elements.

Note that if you use th elements in an HTML table,

the content inside those cells is centered by default. Setting the

text-align property to a value of

left in the descendent selector .center

doesn't counter that effect. To

left-align the content inside th, use this CSS


th {

hext-align: left;


To save a line or two of CSS code, you might want to incorporate the

shorthand version of the margin

property, as shown here (although this

works in most browsers, it fails in Internet Explorer 5 for


.center table {

margin: 0 auto;

text-align: left;


Recipe Images

If you want to center an

image, wrap a div

element around the img element first. This

technique is required because an img element, like

em and strong, is inline. It

rests in the flow of the web page instead of marking off space like

the p or blockquote block-level

elements do. The markup looks like this:

<div class="flagicon"><img src="flag.gif" alt="Flag " width="160 "

height="60" /></div>

And the CSS rule looks like this:

.flagicon {

text-align: center;


To center elements with fixed widths, such as images, first set the

value of the parent's

padding-left property

to 50%. Then determine half of the width of the

element you are centering and set it as a negative value in the

margin-left property. That prevents the

element's left side from resting on the 50% line

caused by its padding and makes it slide into the middle of the page.

The markup for an image in a web page using this technique looks

something like this:

<img src="wolf.jpg" width="256" height="192" alt="Photo of wolf.">

The CSS rule to produce the result shown in Figure 2-7 looks like this:

body {

padding-left: 50%;


img {

/* equal to the negative of half its width */

margin-left: -138px;


Figure 2-7. The image centered without the deprecated center element

Recipe Vertical centering

With the element centered horizontally, you can take this technique

one step further and center the

image (or any other element)

vertically as well. The difference with this method is that it uses

the position property to make this work. The

markup is the same as that used for the image element in the previous

example, but this time the CSS rule is for just one selector (see

Figure 2-8):

img {

position: absolute;

top: 50%;

left: 50%;

margin-top: -96px;

margin-left: -138px;

height: 192px;

width: 256px;


Figure 2-8. The image centered horizontally and vertically on the web page

With absolute positioning, you take the element out of the normal

flow of the document and place it wherever you want.

If you want to center both text and an image (or other images)

instead of just one image, enclose all the content with a

div element:

<div id="centerFrame">

<p>Epsum factorial non deposit quid pro quo hic escorol. Olypian

quarrels et gorilla congolium sic ad nauseum. Souvlaki ignitus

carborundum e pluribus unum. Defacto lingo est igpay atinlay.</p>

<img src="wolf.jpg" width="256" height="192" alt="Photo of

wolf." />


Then in the CSS rule, remove the height

property and

adjust the negative value of the top margin to compensate for the

additional elements on the page:

#centerFrame  {

position: absolute;

top: 50%;

left: 50%;

/* adjust negative value until content is centered */

margin-top: -150px;

margin-left: -138px;

width: 256px;


Keep the amount of content that you want centered short. If you have

numerous images and long amounts of HTML text, users with small

resolutions will have to scroll the page to see your centered


See Also

Chapter 7 for information on multicolumn

layouts, which deal with the position of elements in a web page; the

CSS 2.1 specification for

text-align at

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