Friday, January 8, 2010



Stars! is a turn-based galactic conquest game
that actually runs okay under Wine. It was one of the reasons I started looking
at the demo, got hooked, and bought it. I'm willing to bet the next version,
Stars! SuperNova, won't run worth a dang on it, but I probably won't even buy
that version. Why, you ask? Well, allow me to answer that question in the form
of shameless self-promotion: I've been plugging away on Stellar Legacy, a
multiplatform game of similar purpose at
style='color:#003399'>http://stellarlegacy.sourceforge.netlang=EN-GB>. Stars! does run on Wine, but every
time it starts up, it says, "Hey, your machine configuration changed! Re-enter
your serial number." This is a pain, and it's really, really weak copy
protection. lang=EN-GB style='color:#003399'>Figure 17-7 shows
the basic screen, happily running under the January 12, 2001, version of Wine

style='font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Arial'>Figure 17-7. Stars! main screen.

The trick is not to watch any of the combat
scenes. They'll hang up Wine right quick, though they worked about four months
ago. This is unfortunately the way Wine works sometimes. It's just as well,
really. If Stars! worked flawlessly under Wine, I'd never have finished this
chapter, much less the book. Thankfully, Rogue Spear doesn't run at all under
Wine! Interestingly enough, when Stars! bought the farm (that is, the copy
running under Wine crashed hard), it took AIM down as well�but stealthily. AIM class=docemphasis1>appeared
to be working fine, but it wasn't sending or
receiving anything.


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