Saturday, November 21, 2009

5.7 Types of Integers

I l@ve RuBoard

5.7 Types of Integers

is considered a medium-level language because it allows you to get
very close to the actual hardware of the machine. Some languages,
such as Perl, go to great lengths to completely isolate the user from
the details of how the processor works. This consistency comes at a
great loss of efficiency. C++ lets you give detailed information
about how the hardware is to be used.

For example, most machines let you use different-length numbers. Perl
allows you to use only one simple data type (the string[1]). This
simplifies programming, but Perl programs are inefficient. C++ allows
you to specify many different kinds of integers so you can make best
use of the hardware.

[1] Perl does have numbers such as 5, 8.3, and 20.8, but they are
identical to the strings "5",
"8.3", and

The type specifier int
tells C++
to use the most efficient size (for the machine you are using) for
the integer. This can be 2 to 4 bytes depending on the machine.
Sometimes you need extra digits to store numbers larger than what is
allowed in a normal int.

The declaration:

long int answer;        // the answer of our calculations

is used to allocate a long integer. The long qualifier informs C++ that you wish to
allocate extra storage for the integer. If you are going to use small
numbers and wish to reduce storage, use the qualifier


short int year;         // Year including the century 

C++ guarantees that the storage for short <= int <= long. In actual practice, short almost always allocates 2 bytes;
long, 4 bytes; and int, 2 or 4 bytes. (See Appendix B for numeric ranges.)

Long integer constants end with the
character "L". For example:

long int var = 1234L;    // Set up a long variable

Actually you can use either an uppercase or a lowercase
"L". Uppercase is preferred since
lowercase easily gets confused with the digit

long int funny = 12l;   // Is this 12<long> or one hundred twenty-one?

The type short int usually uses 2
bytes, or 16 bits. Normally, 15 bits are used for the number and 1
bit for the sign. This results in a range of -32,768
(-215) to 32,767 (215 - 1).

An unsigned
short int
uses all 16 bits for the number, giving it a
range of 0 to 65,535 (216 - 1). All
int declarations default to
signed, so the declaration:

    signed long int answer;     // final result

is the same as:

    long int answer;            // final result

there is the very short integer, the type char. Character variables are usually 1 byte
long. They can also be used for numbers in the range of -128 to 127
or 0 to 255. Unlike integers, they do not default to signed; the default is

[2] Borland-C++ even has a
command-line switch to make the default for type char either signed or unsigned.

Question: Is the following character variable signed or unsigned?

char foo;


  1. It's signed.

  2. It's unsigned.

  3. It's compiler-dependent.

  4. If you always specify signed or
    unsigned, you don't
    have to worry about problems like this.

Reading and writing very short integers is a little tricky. If you
try to use a char variable in an
output statement, it will be written�as a
. You need to trick C++ into believing that the
char variable is an integer. This can be
accomplished with the static_cast operator. Example 5-12 shows how to write a very short integer as a

Example 5-12. two2/twoc.cpp

#include <iostream>

signed char ch; // Very short integer
// Range is -128 to 127

int main( )
std::cout << "The number is " << static_cast<int>(ch) << '\n';
return (0);

We start by declaring a character variable ch.
This variable is assigned the value 37. This is actually an integer,
not a character, but C++ doesn't care. On the next
line, we write out the value of the variable. If we tried to write
ch directly, C++ would treat it as a character.
The code static_cast<int>(ch) tells C++,
"Treat this character as an

Reading a very short integer is not possible. You must first read in
the number as a short int and then
assign it to a very short integer variable.

5.7.1 Summary of Integer Types


declarations allow the programmer to
explicitly specify extra precision where it is needed (at the expense
of memory).
numbers save space but have a more limited range. The
most compact integers have type char.
They also have the most limited range.

provide a way of doubling the range at the expense of eliminating
negative numbers. The kind of number you use will depend on your
program and storage requirements. The ranges of the various types of
integers are listed in Appendix B.

    I l@ve RuBoard

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