Saturday, November 21, 2009

Goals of This Book

[ Team LiB ]

Goals of This Book

Our main goal is to give you a foundation for using the Oracle
database effectively and efficiently. Therefore, we wrote with these
principles in mind:


We've tried to concentrate on the most important
Oracle issues. Every topic provides a comprehensive but concise
discussion of how Oracle handles an issue, and the repercussions of
that action.


One of the first decisions we made was to concentrate on principles
rather than syntax. There simply isn't room for
myriad syntax diagrams and examples in this book.


We've tried to make this an ideal first Oracle book
for a wide spectrum of Oracle users�but not the last! You will
very likely have to refer to Oracle documentation or other, more
specific books for more details about using Oracle. However, we hope
this book will act as an accelerator for you. Using the foundation
you get from this book, you can take detailed information from other
sources and put it to the best use. A companion book, Oracle in a
Nutshell, by Rick Greenwald and David C. Kreines
(O'Reilly), contains extensive syntax for a wide
range of Oracle products.

This book is the result of over 40 years of experience with Oracle
and other databases. We've tried to apply that
experience as best we can here.

    [ Team LiB ]

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