Monday, December 21, 2009

2.2. Editors

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2.2. Editors

An editor in Eclipse is just like any other editor�it lets you modify and save files. What sets editors in Eclipse apart is their built-in language-specific knowledge. In particular, the Java editor completely understands Java syntax; as you type, the editor can provide assistance such as underlining syntax errors and suggesting valid method and variable names (see Figure 5). Most of your time will be spent in the Java editor, but there are also editors for text, properties, and other types of files.

Editors share many characteristics with views. But unlike views, editors don't have toolbars, and you will usually have more than one of the same type of editor open (for example, several Java editors). Also, you can save or revert an editor's contents, but not a view's. An asterisk in the editor's titlebar indicates that the editor has unsaved data. Select File Save or press Ctrl+S to write your changes to disk.

Figure 2-4. The Java editor provides typing assistance and immediate error detection.

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