Monday, December 21, 2009

6.1 Entering Contracts

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6.1 Entering Contracts

Any contract


two or more persons rests on two fundamental


one, that there is some mutual obligation created by the agreement,

which is known as the

consideration; and two, that there is mutual

consent, or a meeting of the minds, as to the terms of the contract,

usually described as the offer

and the

acceptance. Once an offer that involves the

exchange of consideration has been made and accepted, an enforceable

contract is created. This principle is, of course, subject to

numerous exceptions.

These concepts are capable of any number of variations and any number

of hard cases involing these variations provide the subject matter

for first-year law students. Basic principles suffice for our

purposes. The idea of consideration turns on the fact that each party

is undertaking an obligation, even a very minor one, to the other as

part of the transaction. If Robert promises to give Sidney $10,000 in

one year, and Sidney does nothing and agrees to do nothing, there is

no contract, but only a promised gift. The significance of this is

that such a promise is not legally enforceable. If Robert does not

pay, Sidney cannot legally compel him to pay. However, if Robert

agrees to pay Sidney $10,000 in one year if Sidney forbears from

drinking alcohol for that entire time, that creates an enforceable

promise: if Sidney fulfills her half of the bargain, she can legally

compel Robert to live up to his, even though the consideration

(abstinence from alcohol) that she promised (and performed) has at

most only a very tangential benefit to Robert.

Even the most unrestrictive open source license imposes at least a

minimal obligation ensuring that consideration in the legal sense is

exchanged and an enforceable contract is created through the license.

The MIT License, described in Chapter 2, imposes the following restriction on


The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be

included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

While this obligation is not onerous, it is real, and failure to

abide by it constitutes a breach of the contract. By extension, the

more onerous restrictions imposed by the GPL, the BSD, the Apache,

and all of the other open source and free software licenses already

described impose sufficient obligations so as not to fail as

contracts for lack of consideration. The licensor grants a real

benefit, the right to use the licensed software, and the licensee

agrees to genuine restrictions, i.e., those that are expressed in the


Potentially more problematic is the question of

mutual consent. In an ordinary

commercial contract, this question rarely, if ever, arises. In

general, mutual consent can be attacked only in relatively unusual

circumstances. In the classic formulation of a contract, the two

parties to the contract have met, negotiated, and reached final

agreement, embodied in a formal, signed document. Under those

circumstances, the consent of either of the parties can be attacked,

essentially in only two ways. First, one of the parties can argue

that his consent was induced by


i.e., that the other party deceived him as to a fact material to the

contract. For example, two parties may agree to a contract that

provides for the sale of a document signed by Elvis Presley. The

genuineness of the signature is critical to the contract. If the

buyer can prove that the signature was a forgery and that the seller

knew it, he can void the contract梤ender it of no legal

effect梠n the grounds of fraud. Second, mutual consent can be

attacked on the basis of


In most jurisdictions, a person under the age of 18 cannot enter into

a binding contract. Accordingly, if such a person enters into a

contract, she can sue to have the contract voided on the basis that

she was incompetent to enter into the contract in the first place.

While these circumstances appear in numerous variations and can

present difficulties in interpreting contracts and adjudicating

disputes that arise from them, they are relatively clear cut assaults

on the mutual consent to a contract. However, because of the absence

of a writing signed by both parties formally indicating their

agreement to a contract, the open source and free software licenses

described earlier present a different, and more complex problem.

It has long been accepted that contracts may be formed in the absence

of a signed document. Oral contracts,

with significant exceptions, are regularly enforced. The familiar

"shrinkwrap" license

that frequently governs the use of commercial software is more

applicable to software contracts. The user purchases the software;

the box in which the media containing the software is sold indicates

that use of the software is governed by a license; and the purchaser

is further informed that breaking the shrinkwrap and opening the box

indicates the user's consent to the license

agreement. Some courts have upheld the creation of a contract under

these terms; other courts have not. A potentially critical

distinction, described in more detail later, is the extent to which

the purchaser was aware (or could have made himself aware) that the

software was provided subject to a license and could have learned the

terms of the license that would govern the use of the software.

These questions become more difficult when the product and the

license both exist in a virtual space and the offer and acceptance

both take place there. There are a number of different contexts in

which this kind of offer and acceptance can take place, and small

differences can be critical in determining whether a contract is

formed. For the following examples, a web site is posited as the

locus of the contract, although the same issues could arise as easily

with software recorded on a physical medium, such as a


[2] Readers interested in a more detailed legal

analysis should read the opinion of Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein in

Specht v. Netscape Comm. Corp., 00 Civ. 4871

(AKS), 2001 WL 755396 (S.D.N.Y. July 5, 2001).Such contracts arise

outside the world of software licensing as well. Ticket

stubs梥uch as those received at coatchecks or parking

garages梬hich typically disclaim any liability for checked

items, present similar issues.

In the first example, an icon appears on the introductory screen for

a piece of software, indicating that that software is being provided

subject to the terms of a license. A user who wants to view the terms

of the license can click on a hyperlink that takes him to a page

displaying the terms of the license. Another hyperlink links to the

site from which the software can be downloaded. This

"browsewrap" license may

create an enforceable contract: the user (or purchaser) is at least

made aware that the software is produced subject to a license, but he

is not required to assent to the terms of the license, or even to

look at it, before accessing the licensed work. The enforceability of

this kind of contract is, however, subject to dispute and this

arrangement may not result in a contract that would be enforced.

The second example, the so-called

"clickwrap" license, is

more likely to create an enforceable contract. In this variation, the

user is required to view, however fleetingly, the terms of the

license and to take some affirmative action to agree to its terms,

such as by clicking a button that says "Yes, I have

read this license and I agree to its terms," before

accessing the licensed software. This is the form of license

contemplated in some of the licenses described earlier and will

generally provide sufficient notice to the user of the terms of the

license and require sufficient affirmative action to create an

enforceable contract, so long as the other requirements of contract

are met, such as the competence of the parties and the absence of


A variant of the "clickwrap" and

"browsewrap" licenses, in which the

user only views the license and is not required to take any

affirmative action indicating consent to the licensed terms, but

where consent is implied from some other action (usually the

downloading of the licensed software), may or may not be sufficient

to create an enforceable contract. The licensee knows of the license,

knows it governs use of the software, and has the opportunity to

review it before accessing the software. Nonetheless, the absence of

affirmative consent (such as clicking on a text box as required by

the "clickwrap" license) is

troubling to courts, and correctly so. It seems unfair to enforce

terms of a contract to which one of the parties has done nothing to

positively affirm.

This issue has obvious application to the open source and free

software licenses already discussed. Staying with the MIT License,

say, for example, that an ordinary user comes across a piece of code

that is subject to this license. The user takes the code and uses it

on his personal computer. The user incorporates the code into a

program that he is writing. The user distributes the program, either

for profit or not. At no point has the user taken any affirmative,

symbolic action that would indicate his consent to the terms of the

license that is comparable to the act of signing a contract.

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