Friday, November 27, 2009

21.3 Testing Components and Assemblies

21.3 Testing Components and Assemblies

Many software products are constructed, partly or wholly, from assemblies of prebuilt software components.[1] A key characteristic of software components is that the organization that develops a component is distinct from the (several) groups of developers who use it to construct systems. The component developers cannot completely anticipate the uses to which a component will be put, and the system developers have limited knowledge of the component. Testing components (by the component developers) and assemblies (by system developers) therefore brings some challenges and constraints that differ from testing other kinds of module.

Reusable components are often more dependable than software developed for a single application. More effort can be invested in improving the quality of a component when the cost is amortized across many applications. Moreover, when reusing a component that has been in use in other applications for some time, one obtains the benefit not only of test and analysis by component developers, but also of actual operational use.

The advantages of component reuse for quality are not automatic. They do not apply to code that was developed for a single application and then scavenged for use in another. The benefit of operational experience as a kind of in vivo testing, moreover, is obtained only to the extent that previous uses of the component are quite similar to the new use. These advantages are balanced against two considerable disadvantages. First, a component designed for wide reuse will usually be much more complex than a module designed for a single use; a rule of thumb is that the development effort (including analysis and test) for a widely usable component is at least twice that for a module that provides equivalent functionality for a single application. In addition, a reusable component is by definition developed without full knowledge of the environment in which it will be used, and it is exceptionally difficult to fully and clearly describe all the assumptions, dependencies, and limitations that might impinge upon its use in a particular application.

In general, a software component is characterized by a contract or application program interface (API) distinct from its implementation. Where a mature market has developed for components addressing a particular need, a single interface specification (e.g., SQL for database access or document object model (DOM) for access and traversal of XML data) can have several distinct implementations. The contract describes the component by specifying access points of the component, such as procedures (methods) and their parameters, possible exceptions, global variables, and input and output network connections. Even when the interface specification is bound to a single implementation, the logical distinction between interface and implementation is crucial to effective use and testing.

The interface specification of a component should provide all the information required for reusing the component, including so-called nonfunctional properties such as performance or capacity limits, in addition to functional behavior. All dependence of the component on the environment in which it executes should also be specified. In practice, few component specifications are complete in every detail, and even details that are specified precisely can easily be overlooked or misunderstood when embedded in a complex specification document.

The main problem facing test designers in the organization that produces a component is lack of information about the ways in which the component will be used. A component may be reused in many different contexts, including applications for which its functionality is an imperfect fit. A general component will typically provide many more features and options than are used by any particular application.

A good deal of functional and structural testing of a component, focused on finding and removing as many program faults as possible, can be oblivious to the context of actual use. As with system and acceptance testing of complete applications, it is then necessary to move to test suites that are more reflective of actual use. Testing with usage scenarios places a higher priority on finding faults most likely to be encountered in use and is needed to gain confidence that the component will be perceived by its users (that is, by developers who employ it as part of larger systems) as sufficiently dependable.

Test designers cannot anticipate all possible uses of a component under test, but they can design test suites for classes of use in the form of scenarios. Test scenarios are closely related to scenarios or use cases in requirements analysis and design.

Sometimes different classes of use are clearly evident in the component specification. For example, the W3 Document Object Model (DOM) specification has parts that deal exclusively with HTML markup and parts that deal with XML; these correspond to different uses to which a component implementing the DOM may be put. The DOM specification further provides two "views" of the component interface. In the flat view, all traversal and inspection operations are provided on node objects, without regard to subclass. In the structured view, each subclass of node offers traversal and inspection operations specific to that variety of node. For example, an Element node has methods to get and set attributes, but a Text node (which represents simple textual data within XML or HTML) does not.

Open Research Issues

Ensuring quality of components and of component-based systems remains a challenging problem and a topic of current research. One research thread considers how dynamic analysis of components and component-based systems in one environment can produce useful information for assessing likely suitability for using some of the same components in another environment (by characterizing the contexts in which a component has been used successfully). A related approach of characterizing a set of behaviors and recognizing changes or differences (whether or not those differences are failures) may be applicable in the increasingly important context of dynamically configurable and field-upgradable systems, which pose all the problems of component- based systems with the additional complication of performing integration in deployed systems rather than in the development environment. For these and other systems, self- monitoring and postdeployment testing in the field are likely to play an increasingly important role in the future.

Software design for testability is an important factor in the cost and effectiveness of test and analysis, particularly for module and component integration. To some extent model-based testing (Chapter 14) is progress toward producing modules and components with well-specified and testable interfaces, but much remains to be done in characterizing and supporting testability. Design for testability should be an important factor in the evolution of architectural design approaches and notations, including architecture design languages.

Further Reading

The buffer overflow problem in libpng, which caused security vulnerabilities in major Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X Web browsers and e-mail clients, was discovered in 2004 and documented by the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT) in Vulnerability Note VU#388984 [Uni04]. The full report on the famous Ariane 5 failure [Lio96] is available from several sources on the Web. The NASA report on loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter [Ste99] is also available on the Web. Leveson [Lev04] describes the role of software in the Ariane failure, loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter, and other spacecraft losses. Weyuker [Wey98] describes challenges of testing component-based systems.



When developing a graphical editor, we used a COTS component for saving and reading files in XML format. During integration testing, the program failed when reading an empty file and when reading a file containing a syntax error.

Try to classify the corresponding faults according to the taxonomy described in Table 21.1.



The Chipmunk quality team decided to use both thread and critical module integration testing strategies for the Chipmunk Web presence. Envisage at least one situation in which thread integration should be preferred over critical module and one in which critical module testing should be preferred over thread, and motivate the choice.



Can a backbone testing strategy yield savings in the cost of producing test scaf- folding, relative to other structural integration testing strategies? If so, how and under what conditions? If not, why not?

[1]The term component is used loosely and often inconsistently in different contexts. Our working definition and related terms are explained in the sidebar on page 414.

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