Friday, November 27, 2009

Section 30.5.  The Rest of This Part

30.5. The Rest of This Part

The remaining chapters in this part provide a programmer's perspective on testing, Fit fixtures, and test infecting. We look at the development of fixtures for the RentAPartySoftware Fit tables that evolved in the chapters in Part II. We begin with simple fixtures and simple changes and move to larger-scale changes to the application.

The rest of the chapters of this part are as follows.

  • Chapter 31 follows the development of Emily's first fixture, for a ColumnFixture table. She is able to make a simple alteration to the application to enable testing to occur easily.

  • Chapter 32 follows the development of fixtures for workflow tests. We show how the workflow test fixtures are first implemented by driving the system under test through the GUI, as there is no clear API, or domain, layer.

  • Chapter 33 covers the restructuring of an application to make it test infected. We overview an unfolding set of approaches to reducing dependencies between domain objects and other things, including the UI, persistence, and other domain objects.

  • Chapter 34 shows how to control the date and time during testing through the use of a mock clock that is used in the application.

  • Chapter 35 shows how to write fixtures for calculation tests that either work directly with the code for the business rules or that carry out the tests through workflow actions.

  • Chapter 36 concludes this part.

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