Wednesday, November 25, 2009

4.2 Implementations

 < Day Day Up > 

4.2 Implementations


that you have the various types of collections in mind, it is time to

turn your attention to the implementation of these collections. A

List, for example, can be implemented a number of

ways, each with advantages and disadvantages. However, before you can

understand the various implementations of Lists

and other collections, you need to understand how collections and

maps determine equality and order.

4.2.1 Determining Equality and Order

Until now, we have been

discussing equality and order quite a bit, but without explaining how

these conditions are actually discovered by the collections. For

example, how does a Map decide if two keys are the

same, and how does a SortedSet determine the order

used to sort the objects? To answer these questions, you have to

tackle the basic principles of object equality: identity and

comparability. Equality versus identity

For many collections to do their job, they need to know which objects

are equal. For example, a Set

can't exclude duplicate entries if it

doesn't know how to check to see whether supplied

objects are equal. These collections take advantage of the fact that

all objects in Java descend from the common class


Since all objects descend from Object, the

Set implementations can call the method

equals( ) on all objects. This allows the set to

compare objects. However, there is one catch: for this to be

effective, the object must define (or inherit) a valid implementation

of equals( ).

The default implementation of equals( ) compares

two objects to see whether they are the same object in the virtual

machine by identity, not by

equality. Suppose you create two

Address objects that define the addresses of

employees. Both address objects can contain the same street name,

number, country, postal code, and other data. However, these objects

are two different instances (and therefore reside at two different

memory addresses). In this case, the Address

objects are equivalent, but they are not the same object梚.e.,

they are not identical. If you use the default implementation of the

equals( ) method, you would always get a result of

false despite the fact that the objects are equal.

To solve this problem, you need to override the definition of

equals( ) to compare the actual data in the class.

While creating your new equals method, you need to

keep the following requirements in mind:

  • The method must consistently return the same value for any single

    comparison of objects x and y

    no matter how many times the comparison is run, assuming that no data

    changes in x and y.

  • The method should be symmetric so that x.equals(y)

    returns the same result as y.equals(x).

  • The method should be transitive so that if

    x.equals(y) and y.equals(z)

    returns true, then z.equals(x)

    also returns true.

  • Whenever the comparison is against a null value,

    the method should always return false梚.e.,

    (x.equals(null) == false) should be

    true for all types of x.

  • The method should be reflexive so that x.equals(x)

    is always true.

Don't forget to override the implementation of

hashCode( ) when you override equals(

. There is a contract between these two methods that says

that any objects evaluating as equivalent must also return the same

hash code. For more information on this contract, see the Javadoc for

java.lang.Object.equals( ).

The overridden equals( ) method ensures that

collections that are not supposed to contain duplicates do indeed

prevent them. It also illustrates an important concept in

programming. Two objects are said to be equal in

identity if they are the same object instance,

whereas two objects are said to have equality if

they contain the same data.

 Comparing objects

The problem of sorting in collections is solved by defining a way to

compare two objects. This can be accomplished using two different

techniques. The first technique is to have the objects implement

java.lang.Comparable. The

Comparable interface contains a single method

defined by the following signature:

public interface Comparable {

public int compareTo(Object o);


The compareTo( ) method returns an integer

indicating the comparison of the this object to

the target object. If compareTo( ) returns a

negative integer, then the this object is said to

be less than the object given in the parameter o.

If the returned integer is positive, then the this

object is greater than the given object. If the integer is

0, the object is comparatively the same as the

this object. Generally, implementations will

ignore anything other than whether the return value is positive,

negative, or 0. Therefore, it is useless to worry

about defining how much less than the given object the return value

is. For example, a returned value of -8 would be

treated the same as a returned value of -1.

One important factor to remember about this comparison is that it

does not compare equality. Two objects that are

not equivalent may result in a compareTo( ) result

of 0. This occurs often when objects try to sort

on only one or two fields in the class. For example, if you consider

a Person object, you would want to sort on first

name and last name but not necessarily on the other fields, such as

age and tax identification number. In this case, compareTo(

would return a value of 0 for two

people named Paul Henry despite the fact that one is a senior

executive and the other is an infant.

The compareTo( ) method has a number of

requirements similar to the equals( ) method:

  • Like the equals( ) method, the compareTo(

    method must return the same value for any single

    comparison of objects x and y

    no matter how many times the comparison is run, assuming that no data

    changes in x and y.

  • The method should be transitive梚.e., if object

    x is comparatively greater than object

    y, and object y is

    comparatively greater than object z, object

    x should be greater than object

    z. This is generally written using the following

    mathematical notation:

    If x > y and y > z then x > z
  • The method must ensure that the comparison is consistent. For

    example, if x.compareTo(y) yields

    -1, then y.compareTo(x) should

    yield 1.

  • The method should be reflexive so that

    x.compareTo(x) always returns


  • It is recommended that objects that are

    comparatively 0, but are not necessarily

    equals( ), indicate this in the documentation to

    the class.

It is always a good idea to implement the

Comparable interface for objects that may be

stored inside ordered collections. This implementation defines what

is known as the natural

of instances. However, there are some

situations in which a developer may want to sort the objects in a

collection based on a value other than the natural ordering. The

java.util.Comparator interface is used for this


Suppose you have a set of data objects that contain a variety of

information, and you want to be able to sort that information to

achieve something other than the natural ordering. For example, if

you have a set of Person objects, you may want to

sort them by age or occupation instead of name. To accomplish this,

create a new implementation of the Comparator

interface that will sort the objects. Example 4-1

shows a Comparator that sorts

Person objects based on their tax identification


Example 4-1. An age Comparator

package oreilly.hcj.collections;

import java.util.Comparator;

import oreilly.hcj.bankdata.Person;

public class TaxIdComparator implements Comparator {

public int compare(final Object x, final Object y) {

return ((Person)x).getTaxID( )

.compareTo(((Person)y).getTaxID( ));



In this example, you take advantage of the compareTo(

method built into java.lang.String to

compare the two people based on the values of their

taxID property. Now that you have a new

Comparator implementation, you can sort the people

by passing this comparator to sorting collections:

public class SomeClass {

protected void demoComparator( ) {

SortedSet people = new TreeSet(new TaxIdComparator( ));

// . . . add people to the set.



Once you have created the sorted set and assigned the comparator, you

can be sure that the people inserted into the set will always be

sorted in order of taxID. You can also implement

more complicated comparators that are configurable.

4.2.2 Big O Notation


collections in programming languages

has been a topic of computer science since the first days of

structured languages. This topic was born out of the desire to

efficiently store and analyze information in computer systems. It is

a true science with theories, mathematics, and concepts. One of the

most important pieces of mathematics necessary to understanding

collections is the concept of Big O Notation.

Big O Notation is a mathematical term used to express the efficiency

of an algorithm depending on the number of elements the algorithm

must work on. The notation is called Big O Notation because of the

conspicuous usage of the letter O in the formulas. The O stands for

orders of magnitude. The general

idea is that the lower the orders of magnitude, the faster the

algorithm is.

Consider a list of people stored in a random order. Big O Notation

will tell you how long, on average, it will take you to find any one

person in the list by name. If you think about the worst-case

scenario, you will realize that you may look through all of the

elements in a list, only to find that your target person is the last

element on the list. As the list grows in size, your worst-case

scenario gets . . . worse. If you have 100 people in your list, your

worst-case scenario would involve performing 99 checks to find a

person. If your list is 100,000 people, then you would have to do

99,999 checks before you find the person. This is described in Big O

Notation with the formula O(n). This shorthand is

read as "the orders of magnitude grows in proportion

to n."

By contrast, if you store people that are sorted by name in an

ordered list, you can use a binary search algorithm to find the

target person, called x, by name. This algorithm

compares the person at the halfway point in the list,

y, to the target person. If the person

x evaluates as equal to person

y, then the person is found, and the algorithm

stops. However, if the person x evaluates as

greater than person y, then the algorithm uses the

upper half of the list for the search. If person x

evaluates as less than person y, the algorithm

uses the lower half of the list. The algorithm then splits up the

targeted half and repeats the splitting process until it finds the

person or narrows the list to one person that isn't

the target person.

The binary search algorithm has an order

of magnitude of O(log2(n)). This means that the

worst-case scenario to find a person in a list of size

n is the result of


In the case of your 100,000-person list, the result of this equation

is roughly 16.609 operations. In other words, the worst-case scenario

is that you would need 17 compares to find the target person.

Most calculators have only a


function. To find


on these calculators, you can employ the simple formula




The most common orders of magnitude that you will encounter are the

following. They are listed in order of most efficient to least



Constant time. No matter how big the list, the time to find the

target is always the same.


This notation is often abbreviated O(log(n)). For

100,000 people, the value would be 17 compares.


For 100,000 people, you would need 99,999 compares.

O(n x log(n))

For 100,000 people, you would need 1,700,000 compares!


My computer couldn't compute this result for 100,000

entries; however, for 100 entries, it is 10,000. This number

increases very rapidly.


The factorial is the series of integers from 1 to

n multiplied together. For example, if

n = 10, the factorial is

10 x 9 x

8 x 7 x

6 x 5 x

4 x 3 x

2 x 1

= 3628800. If you write an

algorithm with this order of magnitude, you will definitely have


Big O Notation is not limited to calculating search time in a

collection. In fact, it can be applied to any computer algorithm as a

measure of efficiency. Generally, algorithms higher than

O(n) are not feasible as solutions to practical


4.2.3 Lists


that you have an understanding of the basic concepts, you are ready

to study various types of collections. Once you have decided that you

need a List, the next step is to decide exactly

which List you need to use. To make a good

decision, you need to have a good understanding of the three standard

implementations of List.

Although anyone can implement the collection interfaces in their

code, we will stick to the classes defined in the

java.util package. Personally, I like to augment

this with the collections classes from Jakarta Commons, available at

The Vector class has been with the JDK for quite a

long time. If you look at the @since tag in the

Javadoc for this class, you will see that it was introduced in JDK


A Vector is essentially a

dynamic resizing array. You create a

vector by specifying its initial size and the size of the chunk you

want to use to resize the Vector should it exceed

its storage capacity. The following code creates a

Vector that starts with 100 elements and grows by

100 elements (when needed):

Vector v = new Vector(100, 100);

There are other constructors to vectors that use default values for

sizes and increments. Additionally, there is an extra constructor for

Vector that copies a collection into a

Vector and uses the default value for


Since Vector is an implementation of the

List interface, instances of

Vector also allow the user to access each element

in a similar manner to that of an array. Therefore, you can think of

Vectors as something of a resizable array.

In fact, inside the Vector class, the data is

stored as an array of objects. When you initialize the

Vector, this array is allocated according to the

initial size that you specify in the constructor. As the

capacity of the Vector is

exceeded, a new array is allocated that is equal to the size of the

old array plus the capacityIncrement you specified

in the constructor. If you didn't specify either of

these values, the class uses its default sizes.

When the Vector class has to resize, it copies the

old array into the new array using the System.arraycopy(

method. Although this method uses fast

native code to copy the array, copying is still quite slow and will

get slower as the size of the Vector grows. This

is why it is important to assign values to

capacity and capacityIncrement

that minimize the number of resize operations without wasting too

much memory.

Using an array to store the data inside a Vector

has one other major disadvantage. When inserting an element into a

Vector at a specific position, the

Vector must use System.arraycopy(

to move the data to accommodate the insertion, as Figure 4-1 demonstrates.

Figure 4-1. Inserting an element into a Vector at an index

Figure 4-1 shows the result of inserting a

String element at index 2 into the

Vector. Since there was already an element at

index 2, the Vector had to use

System.arraycopy( ) to push the elements further

down into the array. If you remove elements at an index, the same

process has to be performed to compress the array.

What this all adds up to is that Vector is not

very good at inserts and removals of items. However, the array

storage paradigm makes Vector very good at

accessing elements quickly. Therefore, Vector is a

good choice for a list whose prime function is to access the data in

the list rapidly, and a poor choice if the data in the list will be

modified frequently.

However, the Vector class has one major problem: since

Vector was designed to be thread-safe, it is

replete with synchronized blocks in the code. This

allows multiple threads to use a Vector safely,

but significantly slows down its performance. The semantics of

synchronized code are outside the scope of this book; however, I can

tell you that the process of synchronization is a costly one.

If you are interested in learning more about synchronization and

thread programming, check out Java Threads by

Scott Oaks and Henry Wong (O'Reilly).

In situations in which data structures will not be accessed by

multiple threads or in which the synchronization can be provided

outside of the list, using Vector is a sad waste

of performance. However, if you will be tossing your list around

various threads, you should stick with Vector.


The ArrayList class is JDK 1.2's

answer to the synchronization problem in the

Vector class. This class does essentially the same

job as the Vector class but without

synchronization. The lack of thread safety within the

ArrayList class makes it much faster than

Vector. However, it still suffers from the same

performance problems as Vector when resizing,

adding, or removing elements.

If you need a class that has all of the features of

Vector but not the internal synchronization, you

should choose a list class.

Marker Interfaces

If you look at the documentation for the ArrayList

class, you will notice that in addition to implementing the

List interface, it implements and

java.util.RandomAccess. However, these two

interfaces don't declare any methods or attributes.

These two interfaces are examples of marker

. Marker interfaces are used to mark

classes conceptually. For example, the

RandomAccess interface marks

List implementations that can be accessed in a

random, rapid, and predictable order. Although this marker interface

is useful in some situations, I haven't seen it used


On the other hand, Serializable is a marker

interface that you see all over the place. This interface marks a

class as having the ability to be flattened and serialized to a

stream and then restored from that stream. This allows Java to store

objects in files and send these objects across a network connection.

In this case, the marker interface lets the virtual machine know that

this class can be introspected and then written out. Classes that are

not serializable do not have this ability.

By using marker interfaces, a developer can tag certain code without

complicating its inheritance structure.


The LinkedList class also implements the

List interface and allows you to store objects in

a defined order. However, it implements this ability in a very

different way than Vector or


Whereas Vector and ArrayList

hold their data in an array of objects, LinkedList

uses a special node structure to connect the objects. Each object is

stored in a node that contains three attributes: one to contain the

data in the node, one to be used as a reference to the next node, and

one to be used as a reference to the previous node. The start of the

chain of references is usually referred to as the

head of the list, and is the only node actually

stored in the class variable. The structure of a

LinkedList is shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2. Structure of a LinkedList

This node-based structure makes it easy to insert or remove elements

in the LinkedList. All that the list needs to do

is create a node and rewire the references to the previous and next

objects. There is (thankfully) no need to copy references or perform

any other costly actions.

On the other hand, the structure of a LinkedList

makes finding any particular element in the list a costly exercise.

Since the LinkedList class has to step through the

nodes one by one from the head of the list until the element is

found, the search will be slow.

Some of the data structure purists out there may have noticed that

LinkedList is, in fact, not a normal linked list

at all. In fact, a normal linked list has only a reference to the

next object and not a reference to the previous object. The

LinkedList class in the

java.util package is actually a doubly

linked list

For these reasons, LinkedList is a great class for

manipulating data and shuffling it around. It is ideal for tasks such

as sorting and performing frequent insertions and removals. However,

it is really bad at accessing data quickly. You should use

LinkedList if the primary function of your list is

to manipulate data in the list.

4.2.4 Maps and SortedMaps


are useful structures for storing things such as key/value pairs. The

Map interface and its descendant

SortedMap have many implementations. Once you have

decided that you need to use a map as your collection, you will then

need to decide exactly which map to use. java.util.HashTable

The Hashtable class is one of the two grandfathers of

Java collections, the other being Vector. The

Hashtable class stores a series of keyed values in

a structure that uses the hash code of the object to store things

quickly. To understand how a Hashtable works, it

is important that you understand the hash system.

When a Hashtable is constructed, it creates a

table to hold the data of the collection. This table is an array of

arrays. Each of the subarrays represents a bucket in which the class

can store a set of values. All of the buckets are the same size.

As you insert new items into the table, the hash code of the object

is used to determine which bucket the object should go into. Once the

correct bucket is found, the object is inserted into that bucket. The

structure of the class is shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3. Hash-based storage

Each bucket holds data within a particular range of hash codes. As

you add items to the table, the hash code of the key is computed and

the correct bucket is chosen.

One of the advantages of this structure is that it can hold very

large data sets without impeding performance. As the map grows, the

number of buckets grows, and the range of hash codes allowed in each

bucket gets smaller. The result is that the map can find any object,

taking, on average, the same amount of time as it does to find any

other object. In Big O Notation, this is referred to as

O(1). This is the best-case scenario for algorithm


As the map grows, it fills up until its load reaches a certain

percentage. This loadFactor can be given to the

class at construction time, or the user can choose to use the default

value of 0.75f. When using the default, as soon as

the map becomes 75% full, the class will increase the size of the

map, usually by creating more buckets and narrowing the range. Once

the new map is ready, the class will rehash the

map by computing the hash codes of each object in the map and filing

them in their proper buckets. This is a fairly slow process, so you

don't want to do it often. On the other hand, since

hash-based data structures take up a lot of memory, you

wouldn't want to allocate maps with huge initial

capacities either. Finding the optimal performance for a hash-based

data structure is often dependent on how the class will be used in

the program. If the data size in the map is fairly constant, you can

use higher load factors. However, if the data is constantly changing

size and memory is tight, you may want to use lower load factors. The

default size of 0.75 provides this good balance in

most situations.

The Hashtable class is indeed useful. However, it

is internally synchronized, which makes it thread-safe but much

slower than other alternatives.


Essentially, a HashMap is an implementation of the

Hashtable class without internal synchronization.

It sacrifices thread safety for higher performance. Other than this

difference, they are conceptually the same. If you

don't need to pass your map around in a threaded

environment, or if thread safety can be provided externally to the

map, then you should use a HashMap.


A LinkedHashMap is an implementation of the

SortedMap interface that allows you to guarantee

that the iteration of the keys is in a predictable order. It uses the

same technique as the HashMap and

HashTable classes to store the data. However,

LinkedHashMap also maintains a running

LinkedList that contains all of the keys in the

map in a sorted order.

Although keeping the keys in a sorted order is advantageous when it

comes to iterating through the map, maintaining the extra linked list

causes LinkedHashMap to be slower than

HashMap. Use it with caution.


An IdentityHashMap is the same as a

HashMap, except that objects are compared based on

identity, not equality.

In this map, key objects evaluate as equal only if they are the same

instance in the virtual machine. This differs from other collections

that evaluate for equality based on the result of calling the

equals( ) method.

Since this map doesn't compare based on equality,

you can insert multiple keys into the map even when they evaluate as

equals according to the equals( ) method; they

only need to be different instances. For example, the following two

instances could be placed in the same


String x = new String("tom"); 

String y = new String("tom"); // <== Different instance!

IdentityHashMap ihm = new IdentityHashMap( );

ihm.put(x, new Integer(15));

ihm.put(y, new Integer(8));

If you try this with a normal HashMap, the value

for the key tom would be replaced on the second

line. With an IdentityHashMap, both values are

inserted. However, just because you can do this

doesn't mean you should; I don't

recommend inserting duplicate keys into an

IdentityHashMap because it can result in some very

confusing code.

All other operations on an IdentityHashMap work

the same way as they do on a HashMap. The

following code takes up where the last snippet left off:

String z = new String("tom");

Integer obj = ihm.get(z);

In this code, the variable element will contain the value

null. This is because z is not

the same instance as x or y

even though they contain the same value. When working with

IdentityHashMaps, you should keep these gotchas in



A WeakHashMap is just like a

HashMap, except that the keys used in the map are

stored in weak references. We will cover weak references in Chapter 10.


A TreeMap is the other implementation of the

SortedSet interface. However, unlike

LinkedHashMap, the TreeMap

class doesn't store its elements in a hash-based

data structure. Instead, it stores its elements, unsurprisingly, in a


Specifically, the TreeMap class uses a structure

called a binary tree. Figure 4-4 shows how this

structure looks in memory.

Figure 4-4. Binary tree storage of a TreeMap

Inside TreeMap is a variable called

root, which stores the root of the tree. Each node

in the tree stores a key and a value, and each element stores a left

and a right element. When a new element is inserted, the key is

evaluated against the root. If the key is the same, then the

root value in the root entry will be replaced with

the new value. However, if the key evaluates as less than the

root (compareTo( ) returns

-1), the TreeMap will use the

left member of the root to navigate to the next

element. If the key evaluates as greater than the

root (compareTo( ) returns

1), the TreeMap will use the

right member to navigate to the next element. This

process of evaluation continues until the key is found or the

TreeMap hits a leaf node, which is a node without

a left or right member. If the TreeMap hits a leaf

node, it will add a new entry containing the key and value and tack

it on to the leaf node.

Keep in mind that determining whether a node is a leaf is dependent

on which side, left or right,

to which the TreeMap wants to surf. A particular

node could be a leaf node with respect to left but

not to right, as right may have

a reference to another entry.

Every now and then, the tree will become lopsided梩hat is, it

has more elements on one side of root than on the

other. When this occurs, the tree is rebalanced by using the middle

key in the sorted keys as the new root entry. The

other entries are then copied into the new tree using the algorithm

for adding new entries. This rebalancing process is slow.

The process of adding or removing a key from a

TreeMap has a O(log2(n))

efficiency. It isn't as good as a

LinkedHashMap with its O(1)

efficiency, but a LinkedHashMap has to store two

data structures for the elements in the map梠ne to accomplish

the actual storage and another to keep a list of the keys in a sorted

order. For this reason, TreeMaps are better at

storing large sets of data. Since log2(n) grows

very slowly as n increases, this size trade-off is

often worth the cost.

If you are morbidly curious, where n is

100,000,000, log2(n) is only 26.5754247590989.

This means that if you have a map that contains a hundred million

entries, a TreeMap will be able to find any

arbitrary key using a maximum of 27 compares. That is usually good

enough in most situations. On the other hand, storing references to

all 100,000,000 entries twice would take up too

much memory.

4.2.5 Sets and SortedSets


you have opted to use a set as your collection, you will first need

to decide whether the data needs to maintain a sorting order. This

question is more complex than it appears.

For example, a set of contacts in an address book

doesn't necessarily need to maintain sorting order

even though the items may be displayed in a sorted order in the

interface. In fact, the sorting order may be invalid if you built the

list to sort based on last name, and the user wants it sorted based

on email address. However, a set that holds the instructions to make

a certain part in a factory must be kept in a specific sorted order

to ensure that they are followed correctly.

The question you

should ask yourself is, "Do my objects need to be in

a sorted order for presentation only, or is there some other

underlying logical reason for the sorting?" If they

only need to be presented in sorted order, then

you can easily copy them to a list or SortedSet in

the GUI and sort them at presentation time. However, if there is

another underlying logical reason to sort them in one predefined

order, then you should opt for a SortedSet. Try to

avoid sorting your sets. Sorting sets introduces significant overhead

in the insertion and deletion of items in a set and can impede

performance. java.util.HashSet

A HashSet is an implementation of the

Set interface that stores its contents using a

hash system. This system works the same way as a

HashMap. In fact, one interesting piece of Java

trivia is that the HashSet class is implemented

using only the key set of the HashMap class. The

HashSet class merely inserts a dummy value for

each key in the map and hides the fact that it is using a map from

the user.


A LinkedSet is an implementation of the

Set interface that guarantees a predictable

iteration order. It does this by maintaining a

LinkedList of the objects in the set, which can

significantly decrease the amount of memory.

Note that just because the order is predictable does not mean that

the order is sorted. In fact, the only real benefit of a

LinkedHashSet over a regular

HashSet is that the iteration of the set remains

constant over time and isn't as random as

HashSet. However, I have never seen a programming

situation in which this is enough of a concern to balance the

significantly larger memory consumption.


A TreeSet is implemented the same way

HashSet is. However, instead of using a

HashMap as a backing store, it uses

TreeMap. Therefore, the TreeSet

class inherits the same benefits and limitations as the

TreeMap class.

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