Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A.5. Codeville

 < Day Day Up > 

A.5. Codeville


yet another version control system? All other version control systems

require that you keep careful track of the relationships between

branches so as not [to] have to repeatedly merge the same conflicts.

Codeville is much more anarchic. It allows you to update from or

commit to any repository at any time with no unnecessary re-merges.

"Codeville works by creating an identifier for each

change which is done, and remembering the list of all changes which

have been applied to each file and the last change which modified

each line in each file. When there's a conflict, it

checks to see if one of the two sides has already been applied to the

other one, and if so makes the other side win automatically. When

there's an actual not automatically mergeable

version conflict, Codeville behaves in almost exactly the same way as


     < Day Day Up > 

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