Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why Worry About Versioning?

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Why Worry About Versioning?

Having a good version scheme for your software is important for several reasons. The following are the top five things a version scheme allows you to do (in random order):

  • Track your product binaries to the original source files.

  • Re-create a past build by having meaningful labels in your source tree.

  • Avoid "DLL hell" �multiple versions of the same file (library in this case) on a machine.

  • Help your setup program handle upgrades and service packs.

  • Provide your product support and Q/A teams with an easy way to identify the bits they are working with.

So, how do you keep track of files in a product and link them back to the owner? How can you tell that you are testing or using the latest version of a released file? What about the rest of the reasons in the list? This chapter describes my recommendations for the most effective and easiest way to set up and apply versioning to your software. Many different schemes are available, and you should feel free to create your own versioning method.

Ultimately, like most of the other topics in this book, the responsibility to apply versioning to the files in a build tends to fall into the hands of the build team. That might be because it is usually the build team that has to deal with the headaches that come from having a poor versioning scheme. Therefore, it is in their best interest to publish, promote, and enforce a good versioning scheme. If the build team does not own this, then someone who does not understand the full implications of versioning will make the rules. Needless to say, this would not be desirable for anybody involved with the product.

What is the best way to accomplish this? Let's start with the version number and work our way down.

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