Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Recipe 8.2. Reading Cookie Values

Recipe 8.2. Reading Cookie Values

8.2.1. Problem

You want to read
the value of a cookie that you've previously set.

8.2.2. Solution

Look in the $_COOKIE
auto-global array, as shown in Example 8-5.

Reading a cookie value

if (isset($_COOKIE['flavor'])) {
print "You ate a {$_COOKIE['flavor']} cookie.";

8.2.3. Discussion

A cookie's value isn't available in $_COOKIE during the request in which the cookie is set. In other words, the
setcookie( )
function doesn't alter the value of $_COOKIE. On subsequent requests, however, each cookie sent back to the server is stored in $_COOKIE. If register_globals is on, cookie values are also assigned to global variables.

When a browser sends a cookie back to the server, it sends only the value. You can't access the cookie's domain, path, expiration time, or secure status through $_COOKIE because the browser doesn't send that to the server.

To print the names and values of all cookies sent in a particular request, loop through the $_COOKIE array, as in Example 8-6.

Reading all cookie values

foreach ($_COOKIE as $cookie_name => $cookie_value) {
print "$cookie_name = $cookie_value <br/>";

8.2.4. See Also

Recipe 8.1 shows how to set cookies; Recipe 8.3 shows how to delete cookies; Recipe 8.12 explains output buffering; Recipe 9.15 for information on register_globals.

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