Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Section 2.13. Ruby Documentation

A Quick Tour of Ruby > Ruby Documentation

2.13. Ruby Documentation

When I say "Section 2.13," I am mostly referring to the documentation that is generated by RDoc (, a program that extracts documentation from Ruby source files, both C and Ruby files.

The documentation is stored in comments in the source files, and encoded so that RDoc can easily find it. For example, equals signs (such as ===) on the left margin set off a heading, and indented text is formatted as code. RDoc can generate output as HTML, XML, ri (Ruby information), or Windows help (chm) files.

To view the RDoc-generated HTML documentation for Ruby, go to If you have Ruby documentation installed on your system, which you likely do if you followed the installation instructions in Chapter 1, you can type something like the following at a shell prompt to get formatted documentation in return. Type:

ri Kernel.print

and you will get output that looks like:

----------------------------------------------------------- Kernel#print
print(obj, ...) => nil
Prints each object in turn to +$stdout+. If the output field
separator (+$,+) is not +nil+, its contents will appear between
each field. If the output record separator (+$\+) is not +nil+, it
will be appended to the output. If no arguments are given, prints
+$_+. Objects that aren't strings will be converted by calling
their +to_s+ method.

print "cat", [1,2,3], 99, "\n"
$, = ", "
$\ = "\n"
print "cat", [1,2,3], 99


cat, 1, 2, 3, 99

In Chapter 10, you'll find a tutorial on creating documentation with RDoc.



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