Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tablespace Container Management

[ Team LiB ]

Tablespace Container Management

Although we as DBAs attempt to obtain accurate tablespace sizing information as part of the physical design process, oftentimes the data is not available and we have to take an educated guess. Sometimes our educated guess is incorrect or we may have been given erroneous data, or the data is just growing a lot faster than anticipated. In these cases we need the ability to add containers, resize, or drop containers to support the changing data requirements. For SMS Managed Space, the only change that can be made is through a redirected restore. During a redirected restore, additional directory containers can be added or removed.

For DMS Managed Space, we have more options and flexibility with which to deal with space problems.


DB2 v8 offers the ability to add DMS container(s) so that a rebalance does not occur. Using the command BEGIN NEW STRIPE SET we can add a new container above the high water mark so that a rebalance does not occur.

    [ Team LiB ]

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